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Dec 21, 2021, 13 tweets

Here’s A Look At The Top 5 NFT Projects On @solana $SOL And How To Buy Them

1/12 Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have exploded in popularity in 2021. It has grown to a point that it can no longer be ignored.

Projects featured are all Solana blue-chip NFTs with high market cap and are listed in no particular order.

Here are the top five NFT plays on Solana:


I) Degenerate Ape Academy - @DegenApeAcademy

Released in August 2021 and is the number one NFT collection listed on @SolanartNFT. The 10,000 apes that were available for mint were sold out in eight minutes.

3/12 The're Solana’s first million-dollar collection. Degen Ape #7225, the 13th rarest, was purchased by MoonRock Capital for a whopping US$1.1 million.

Currently, a Decentralized Ape Organization Organization (DAOO) is set up where ape owner can make proposals and vote on them.


II) Aurory - @AuroryProject
One the most highly anticipated play-to-earn NFT games on Solana. It is a Japanese RPG that features both PvE and PvP mode where players can use their NFTs to battle.

5/12 It is backed by big notable investors from Solana to @AlamedaResearch. The team also onboarded many new members with years of experience in developing AAA games. Their IDO was the largest IDO on Solana. It raised over US$108 million of funds at a price of US$15.54 per token.


III) SolPunks - @PunksOnSolana
Similar to Degenerate Ape Academy, SolPunks has different attribute that makes them unique. There are three different categories: the SolPunks types, attributes count, and the kind of attributes.

7/12 The value proposition of SolPunks is that nobody minting it would know what SolPunks avatar they are getting until the purchase is complete. The total amount available for minting is capped at 10,000 avatars.


IV) Sollamas - @SollamasNFT
Sollamas are a collection of 8,888 uniquely collectible llamas. Launched on August 2021, the llamas were sold out within minutes of the launch. The Melbourne-based team pocketed over US$2.5 Million from selling the llamas.

9/12 No two llamas will be the same as there are over 165 unique attributes across 17 different categories from backdrops to mouth accessories. Attributes are also ranked from unusual (lowest rank) to artifact (highest rank).


V) Solana Monkey Business - @SolanaMBS
One of the OG projects on Solana. SMB comes with a complex royalty system. 5% of every Gen 2 trade will be deducted as royalty. Of the 5%, 0.5% would go to the treasury, 2% to the developers, and 2.5% to the holders of the Gen 1 set.

11/12 Celebrities like @IAmSteveHarvey and @KSI also swapped out their former profile photo for a Solana Monkey Business NFT.

Solana Monkey #1355 is the rarest and also the most expensive Solana NFT to date. It was sold at 13027 SOL (~US$2 million).

12/12 Solana is undoubtedly the biggest threat to Ethereum’s dominance. With a high market cap and cheaper gas fees, Solana is poised to host more promising projects in the near future.

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