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Dec 21, 2021, 15 tweets

How gentrification is forcing a former mining community in Leeds out of their homes

🔴 @Victoria_Spratt inews.co.uk/news/long-read…

@Victoria_Spratt People tend to think of gentrification as a London problem 🏘️

But in a suburb of Leeds people who have lived on their estate for decades are being evicted from their homes by a private investment fund that wants to redevelop the area.


@Victoria_Spratt 🏘️ Sugar Hill Drive and Wordsworth Close near Oulton, were built by the National Coal Board (NCB) in the 1950s for miners and their families.

🔴 The NCB sold it off in 1986.

🔴 In 2001 it was bought by Pemberstone Group, a private investment fund.


@Victoria_Spratt 🏚️ Today, almost half of the homes are boarded up.

🏠 Those left living there are all being evicted by Pemberstone, who have been granted planning permission to demolish them and build new homes for private sale.


@Victoria_Spratt People like former miner Barry Abbey and his wife Mavis, who've been on the estate since 1970, now face eviction.

🗣️ Barry says, “what remains of the mining community is being torn apart.”

“The spirit of this place can’t be replaced.”


@Victoria_Spratt 🏠 However, Barry and Mavis have a secure tenancy from the NCB days, so they will be guaranteed a home.

🏠 For private renters living here no alternative housing will be provided.


@Victoria_Spratt Cindy and John Readman are some of these private renters

🗣️ “We’ve been fighting for four years,” John says. “It’s taken a huge physical and mental toll. You can’t sleep. You can’t function.”


@Victoria_Spratt 🏘️ Oulton is a village which has become a desirable suburb of Leeds as people move out of city centres in search of more space.

📈 In 2021, rental growth hit 10-year highs of +4.9% across the Yorkshire and the Humber region.


@Victoria_Spratt What’s happening in Oulton is what gentrification looks like outside of the capital ⬇️

🔴 House prices and rents rise

🔴 Homeowners and investors benefit

🔴 But local renters and their communities are uprooted


@Victoria_Spratt Linda Elsworth, a 71-year-old disabled pensioner says, “gentrification is exactly what’s going on here.”

🗣️ “My heart is broken. This is my sanctuary. It’s my home. I can’t imagine being homeless. It’s social cleansing.”


@Victoria_Spratt 🏠 The eviction date for the estate’s private renters was 1 December but, with nowhere else to go they remain in their homes.

✉️ “Pemberstone have sent us letters saying that they will now take us to court.”


@Victoria_Spratt John Readman texts @Victoria_Spratt 📱⬇️

“We cannot make any Christmas plans. Physically and mentally, we are slowly sinking into a constant state of panic and despair.”


@Victoria_Spratt 🎥 Watch our full interview with the residents facing eviction here ⬇️

@Victoria_Spratt Read Pemberstone’s full statement here ⬇️

@Victoria_Spratt And read the full story here 🏠⬇️


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