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Dec 21, 2021, 11 tweets

The female 'data lads' crunching Covid numbers and keeping us informed through the pandemic

🔴 @KasiaLDelgado inews.co.uk/news/long-read…

@KasiaLDelgado Men have indeed been doing crucial Covid number-crunching, but because the pandemic did start a long time ago but not as far back as the Dark Ages, swathes of women have been doing it too 🦠📈


@KasiaLDelgado Many of these women are the reason we know as much about Covid-19 as we do 🦸‍♀️

❓ So who are they?

@KasiaLDelgado 🦠🔴 @janemerrick23

Often told she needs to stop scaremongering because people don’t fancy hearing more bad news about the pesky virus, Merrick was the first journalist in the world to break the Omicron variant story


@KasiaLDelgado @janemerrick23 🦠🔴 @kallmemeg

Lead epidemiologist at UK Health Security Agency, Kall has been integral to educating the public about coronavirus by breaking down the agency’s scientific reports.


@KasiaLDelgado @janemerrick23 @kallmemeg 🦠🔴 @devisridhar

Sridhar, who is chair of global public health at the University of Edinburgh, rose to prominence in the pandemic for her vital roles in communicating science to the public and debunking myths.


@KasiaLDelgado @janemerrick23 @kallmemeg @devisridhar 🦠🔴 @chrischirp

One of the most reassuring, popular faces of pandemic information. The mathematician is a member of the Independent Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies and is often on TV, radio and newspapers.


@KasiaLDelgado @janemerrick23 @kallmemeg @devisridhar @chrischirp 🦠🔴 @SMHopkins

This expert in infectious diseases is one of the main reasons you know your LFT from your PCR.


@KasiaLDelgado @janemerrick23 @kallmemeg @devisridhar @chrischirp @SMHopkins 🦠🔴 @anjahuja

Ahuja’s first column in the Financial Times on the Wuhan virus was on 8 January, before the virus was sequenced.

“I won an Association of British Scient Writers (ABSW) award for pandemic comment last year,” Ahuja tells i.


@KasiaLDelgado @janemerrick23 @kallmemeg @devisridhar @chrischirp @SMHopkins @anjahuja 🦠🔴 @mugecevik

Early in the pandemic she published a huge, comprehensive analysis of studies relating to Covid-19, providing crucial insights, debunking myths and looking at the practical realities for the public as this virus spread.


@KasiaLDelgado @janemerrick23 @kallmemeg @devisridhar @chrischirp @SMHopkins @anjahuja @mugecevik Fancy some more names? ⬇️

Read the full article here about the women who are guiding us through the pandemic with their data-crunching, analysis and interpretation 🦠📈


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