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Jeopardy! All-Star & 2015 Tournament of Champions winner, 2006 ESPN US Poker Champ, father, husband to @whoisjennjacob. Check out my trivia newsletter/league ⬇️

Dec 22, 2021, 11 tweets

Come on @WheelofFortune, the woman literally chose the right word. Give her the car.

@WheelofFortune And now we wait

Now I'm wondering if she had just stretched out the word "riiiiiiiiiight," would that have counted as a continuous answer? I understand rules are rules but this seems like a particularly dumb rule. C'mon Wheel, it's Christmas.


Probably a Twitter noob move not using the show hashtag, adding this tweet so people can find the thread if they search #WheelofFortune

LOL we got the trigger warning 💀💀💀

Going all Zapruder on this thing now, if you watch Vanna at the moment the contestant gets it her face changes into a smile and she starts to clap before stopping herself. Definitely looks like she thought it was a legit solve in the moment.


Round of applause to @G1NABEANA for making the hashtag #GiveHerTheQ3 happen 👏👏👏

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