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Whistleblower (8/20/21) v #Sachs, Mitt BainCap, Tom Lee & @Mattel crimes bein protected by @JudgeCFConnolly - see details -

Dec 22, 2021, 49 tweets

@davidsirota - Radical Just because you arent SURPRISED by a story exposing corruption, that doesnt mean it's an unimportant news story.

Goldman Sachs ripped off it's client, @etoys, for a Billion$ - Twice
@POTUS - @GaryGensler - must do a RICO case!

@nytimes reporter @opinion_joe helped save another stock fraud with #NYT March 2013 article "Rigging IPO Game"

NYT article details @GoldmanSachs scammed @etoys with massive under pricing / kick back scheme; that resulted in eToys bankruptcy

@GoldmanSachs partnered w @BainCapital to bleed out, bankrupt and deliberately destroyed eToys public company using MNAT & Paul Roy Traub law firms betraying its court approved clients of @etoys - for their secret ones of #GoldmanSachs of #BainCapital

My girlfriend is a retired Federal Judge (@Judge_Bullock ) who has read the case facts and has made the following publicized remarks about eToys & @ToysRUs

Once again I have to tip my hat to the Reddit Great APES - who have come to my aid, several times; and over 1000 of them took me over 14K Followers.

On top of that they helped raise $1000 for Toys 4 Tots


I'm a source for @mtaibbi biggest story "Greed & Debt:" True Romney / Bain.

Many millions of views!

Taibbi blew Pulitzer not mentioning I blew whistle Mitt Romney lawyer Psul Traub & roaming CEO Mike Glazer were at Stage Stores, Kay-Bee & eToys frauds!

No3 USAG - EOUST Deputy Attorney General Larence Friedman emailed me a promise he was on our eToys case.

Then I proved another $100 million - Paul Traub/ MNAT new fraud in Kay-Bee that Taibbi reported within "Greed and Debt" and he resigned.

Just remember who - Deliberately- killed @ToysRUs whilst making themselves filthy rich.

FYI Ladies & Gents - a 2013 interview that going to be presented to Ed Shultz - but the segment got canceled.

4 minutes with prepared questions.

BREAKING NEWS @FBI, @SECGov & @TheJusticeDept under @POTUS and @GaryGensler soon to indict @Mattel - @GoldmanSachs @BainCapital MNAT & Paul Roy Traub - for racketeering.

Mattel will likely go bankrupt.

This is Tweet 1 of 99 - of the FACTS

2 of 99 @GoldmanSachs @BainCapital are racketeering partners in destroying the entire large, iconic, retail Toys sales by colluding w/ @Mattel to help Mitt's gang get a monopoly where they could bleed out, bankrupt & deliberately kill billion dollar toy retailers

By corruption

3 of 99 - Over $22 Billion has been stolen, with in excess of 60,000 jobs lost - dynamics of mayhem & homicides from 2 decades of organized crimes in Delaware & NYC.

Whereas @Mattel & @etoys were DE Corporations & stocks traded ON NYSE & NASDAQ defrauded by @MittRomney

4 of 99 - #GoldmanSachs partnership #Mattel & #BainCapital racketeers includes collusion with Federal agents Jay Clayton, Steven Peikin, Colm Connolly, Scott Duffey, Ellen Slights, James Lackner, Clifford White (da Turd) Paul Cavanaugh & Paul Bertrand -


More details on Colm Connolly corruption (now Chief Federal Judge) in this article of Delaware…

5 of 99 - More details on Delaware United States Attorney, Colm Connolly who did corruption as is documented in this online article of Delaware.

And Trump rewarded Colm Connolly with Federal Judgeship…

6 of 99 - @TheJusticeDept Deputy USAG Lawrence Friedman, as head of United States Trustee - presiding over a million cases, each year - had emailed me his personal promise to address.

But Friedman was caught ignoring another $100 million fraud in Kay-Bee case; and he resigned

7 of 99 - Had Deputy Attorney General Lawrence Friedman did his job - then @ToysRUs would still be here - as is noted by my Sweetie @Judge_Bullock

8 of 99 - We are counting on promise of @POTUS & @GaryGensler to stop corruption and actually punishment for individual perpetrators; as promised by the Joe Biden Task Force

9 of 99 - This @nytimes March 2013 article by reporter @opinion_joe tells just 1/100th of the @etoys crimes; but it did result in Bain Capital having to shut down @ToysRUs IPO.…

10 of 99 - Merry Christmas ALL reporters who have told 169 pieces of our Wall Street fraud story; including - but not limited to

@WSJ Joe Pereira
@politicususa Rmuse
@shadowproofcom Dan Wright
And @mtaibbi

11 of 99 (still thank journos 10 of 99)

Yes, @mtaibbi was my biggest to date
Nathaniel Downes
@Reuters @tomhals
And @fbiwhistlestop
@latimes Scott Glover
Furtive Admirer

So many of 169 others that helped put a dent in 1 of largest WS frauds

12 of 99 (still thanking journos heroes) with special shout out to @Reddit APES & Stock Doctor/Professor who got APES to rescue me, @SusanneTrimbath after @SECGov finally un 🚫 me on Aug 22, 2021 - to give me my LONG overdue TWO whistblower case numbers

13 of 99 - BUT, to those who I've helped to Who act as trolls, shills, naysayers evils like Adam B of @dailykos who tortured me, helped OBSTRUCT Justice - sucking on the toe cheese of @MittRomney, #BainCapital and @GoldmanSachs with crony corrupts like J. Clayton etc

Fruk ALL U

14 of 99 - Still Thanking all 100s of thousands of followers & helpers over 20 years; who have been character assailed by haters & unworthy's when they worked for the hopes of truths & justice

You are all written in my Book of Good Lifes; invited to my after party should the day

15 of 99 - Shout out to Josh Lamb - who worked for me at eToys & other cases - as a great honest person turning down bribes & attempt to steal from - as did also Dee Wade; where they couldn't be bought.

And my Special witnesses still sitting quietly on bench, ready to be called!

16 of 99 - BUT, to Thieves, Limbaugh, betrayers Public trust tax paid billions of dollars scoundrels, duplicitshits


Jay Clayton
Clifford White lll
Steven Peikin
Mark Kenney
Andy Vara
Paul Cavanaugh
Robert DeAngelis
James Lackner
Colm Connolly
Ellen Slights
Mitt Romney

17 of 99 - lamestream media journos like A. Ross Sorkin and his worthless lackeys like @MattGoldstein26 - I still have the emails that proved you buried this Wall Street racketeering case - you chickenshits like Paul Steiger and Jack ass Jesse Eisinger - gutless wonders.

18 of 99 - These picture charts graphs are a decade old; but the truth is both inflexible & immortal; it never changes

@MittRomney is a Racketeer; with Blood on his hands, along with Paulson, Blankfein and now you too newest Machiavellian lord @DavidSolomon


19 of 99 - These are the names of the fallen - never seeing justice - Ive testified to @FBI (I'm a felon who can NOT lie)

Robert Alber
assassin Michael Sesseyoff
Harry A
Anna Schaeffer
John M
Melissa Lewis
Jay Carceiro (suicided?)
Madoff sons
Jack Wheeler
Marty Lackner

20 of 99 - Pay VERY close attention - It all began 22 y3ars ago with @Mattel defrauding its investors so top execs & advisors, Bain Capital/ Mitt Romney could fleece $4 Billion; which was covered up by corrupts Romney’s Colm Connolly & Steven Peikin…

21 of 99 - At same time in 1999, eToys was taken public for $85 per share; but @GoldmanSachs backstabbed its client @etoys by under-allocating and severe underpricing eToys stock for $20; and then Sachs lawyers of MNAT illegally put eToys into bankruptcy…

22 of 99 - @MorrisNichols law firm is going down I've helped shake-up, disband 6 law firms; all connected to frauds.

Hutchins Wheeler
Kronish Lieb
Traub Bonacquist & Fox
Marc - Dreier LLP
Dewey LeBeouf
Pierce Bainbridge

Now MNAT - Report Gregory & Rachael Werkheiser schemes

23 of 99 - Stepping back to explain early @etoys frauds

Bain Cap, Sachs & MNAT defrauded @Mattel with Mattel execs in on schemes to steal eToys & Mattel investors out of $5 BIllion in 1999

Connolly & Peikin crony corrupts who ruled no case; but they became partners in crimes

24 of 99 - Colm Connolly was Delaware United States Attorney who waz partners of Sachs & Bain Cap law firm @MorrisNichols & Steven Peikin waz SEC Top Enforcer who was partners of Sachs NY lawyers @sullcrom

They are not allowed to have ANY say in guilt of Sachs or Bain

25 of 99 - #GoldmanSachs partnered with @BainCapital to rip off @Mattel &
@etoys for $5 Billion via lawyers Paul Roy Traub, @MorrisNichols in 1999; and March forward to rinse, later, repeat their racketeering crimes - protected by crony corrupts

26 of 99 - @TheWouston followers have asked me to lay out a chart for ALL the allegations; but that would be the size of all 4 walls in any room

So let's do things this way - providing the proof there is fraud & corruption in our courts by USAG Ashcroft

27 of 99 - USAG Ashcroft is cited as stating -
"- corrupt bankruptcy judges -- collude with - - high ranking officials in the United States Trustee Program.

The American public -- held hostage -- [vua] corruption,
.......have no where to turn."

28 of 99 - Corroborating the fact our Federal systems of Justice are corrupted - specifically naming our Bankruptcy Courts - is the book by UCLA Law Professor Lynn LoPucki, titled "Courting Failure"

29 of 99 - @JohnCornyn published remarks that Venue/ Forum Shopping of cases is wrong. And has bipartisan support with @SenWarren on the forum shopping issue.

Senator Cornyn states - "After all, picking the judge isn't far from picking a verdict"…

30 of 99 - @POTUS has spoken out on corruption; ordering an initiative!

President Biden recently remarked -

..."Corruption threatens United States national security, economic equity, global anti-poverty and development efforts, and democracy itself."

31 of 99 - Here's why @POTUS new Anti-Corruption initiative MUST address Delaware cases of @GoldmanSachs & @BainCapital racketeering

Because Delaware Federal Systems of Justice are captured by the rackets

Where Biden blocked Colm Connolly from becoming a Judge; but Trump won

Senator Biden helped block United States Attorney Colm Connolly, in 2008, from becoming a Delaware District Court Judge…

Here's why - crony corrupt Federal prosecutor Colm Connolly was protecting Romney/ Bain Capital from getting indicted…

Sen Biden blocked Colm nomination for Federal Judgeship by refusing to sign the Senate Slip to allow a vote; because Connolly was a partner of Bain Cap/ Goldman Sachs law firm of @MorrisNichols

And the Bidens gave me proof via Colm Connolly DOJ resume…

Trump refused to abide by Senate The blue-slip rule - a precedent upheld by Senate tradition - has historically allowed a home-state senator to stop a lower-court nominee by refusing to return the blue slip to the Judiciary…

32 of 99 - Chief DE Federal Judge MFW Ruled / PUBLISHED Opinion 10/4/05 that @MorrisNichols (MNAT) & Paul Roy Traub law firm Traub Bonacquist & Fox (TBF) were guilty of -Failure to Disclose [serious] Co flicts of Interests.

MNAT & TBF were sanctioned…

33 of 99 - U.S. Trustee testified to Paul Roy Traub's firm Traub Bonacquist and Fox (TBF) Confessed (•18) leaving bogus testimony in Docket record; and that the US Trustee warned TBF not to replace me [asPres/ CEO]with anybody connected to TBF. (•19&35)…

@threader compile please

34 of 99 - This Medium article is a compile of the 1st of 33 Tweets on this saga, out of 99.

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