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Dec 22, 2021, 9 tweets

• France warns it could see 100,000 daily Omicron infections

• South Africa’s case drop may show omicron peak has passed

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The world has failed at vaccine equity. Will 2022 be different?

China orders 13 million Xi’an residents to stay home over COVID-19 outbreak.

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Thousands of New Zealanders are unable to return home under a lottery system that critics have branded inhumane ⤵️

AstraZeneca is working with Oxford University to develop a better coronavirus vaccine that will exclusively target the Omicron variant.

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South African study suggests there are reduced risks of hospitalisation and severe disease in people infected with the Omicron than Delta

Omicron complicates holiday travel plans across the US

Trial data shows the Pfizer COVID-19 pill is 90% effective in preventing deaths and hospitalisations in high-risk patients.

Read more:

What do we know about the new coronavirus variant’s symptoms and its severity, and what are the effect of vaccines? ⬇️

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