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"The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer." - Kissinger, 🇺🇸 Sec of State, Mar 10, 1975 *

Dec 22, 2021, 19 tweets

🧵 00 - OmiCON‼️ - The Omicron CON

Strap in....

🔥🔥🔥 How was Omicron "variant" manufactured out of "scientific" self-deception❓

👉 The Science of Scientism

🧵 01 - OmiCON‼️ - The Omicron CON

The Science of Scientism

🔥🔥🔥 Intro

👉The Patient, The Symptoms, The PCR Negative Result👀, & The Doctor Decision.

🧵 02 - OmiCON‼️ - The Science of Scientism

If sick, MUST be COVID‼️

🔥🔥🔥 The Most Important Decision

👉 “It MUST be COVID with a negative test‼️” 😳

🧵 03 - OmiCON‼️ - The Science of Scientism

The Flawed Thought Process

🔥🔥🔥 The Dirty PCR
(aka “Deep Metagenomic Sequencing”)

👉 Heating, primers, & high cT amplification creates new genetic sequences NOT present in original sample.

🧵 03a - OmiCON‼️ - The Science of Scientism

The Missing Control Experiment

🔥🔥🔥 Was COVID-19 "isolated" or was "genetic sequence" an artefact of a flawed DIRTY PCR Process?

👉 For More on Dirty PCR 👇

🧵 04 - OmiCON‼️ - The Science of Scientism


🔥🔥🔥 Lowering The Bar & Jacking Case Count👀

👉 Requiring only 2 of 3 Dirty PCR Primer Tests to be positive, as opposed to formerly 3 of 3, leads to spike in CASES.

🧵 05 - OmiCON‼️ - The Science of Scientism

Changing the definition 😳

🔥🔥🔥 Transforming PCR “Negative” Test Results into “Presumptive Positives”

👉 Changing guidelines too obvious, so redefine testing process within Dirty PCR model

🧵 06a - OmiCON‼️ - The Science of Scientism

Thermo Fischer Scientific

🔥🔥🔥 PCR Test - Two-fer Trickery

👉 3 of 3 Primer Positive = Delta
👉 2 of 3 Positive = “Presumptive Positive” = OmiCON 👀…

🧵 06b - OmiCON‼️ - The Science of Scientism

Thermo Fischer Scientific

🔥🔥🔥 The claim “PCR Test” detects "virus" is a lie.

👉 All Dirty PCR does is detect certain sequences w no possible way to know where sequences originated from.…

🧵 06c - OmiCON‼️- The Science of Scientism

Thermo Fischer - Two-fer Trickery

🔥🔥🔥AND you find exactly what you are looking for.

👉 they "find" new “mutated” sequences which actually didn’t exist in original sample but now alignment pattern template…

🧵 07 - OmiCON‼️- The Science of Scientism


🔥🔥🔥 The OmiCON Variant Doesnt Exist.

👉 No particle, no genome ever found
👉 All done with magic of alignment based on templates which they put in so they get the results they are looking for.👀…

🧵 08a - OmiCON‼️- The Science of Scientism

Possible Causes of COVID-19 Symptoms 1of2

🔥🔥🔥 5G & Prussic Acid Poisoning 💀

👉 5G millimeter waves are a known biological toxin

🧵 08b - OmiCON‼️- The Science of Scientism

5G & Prussic Acid Poisoning 💀

🔥🔥🔥 Body💧water plays an important role

👉 Certain frequencies cause prussic acid activation & damage in human airways, & death 💀

🧵 08c - OmiCON‼️- The Science of Scientism

Prussic Acid Poisoning💀


👉💧is receiver, certain frequencies of millimeter radiation acts as energy, activating prussic acid in airways, damaging lungs & nerves, & possible death💀

🧵 09 - OmiCON‼️- The Science of Scientism

Possible Causes of COVID-19 Symptoms 2of2

🔥🔥🔥 5G & Rouleaux🩸Phenomena

👉 High Freq. may cause blood🩸coagulation & cardio-vascular illnesses (strokes, myocarditis, heart attacks etc.) & 💀

🧵 10 - OmiCON‼️- The Science of Scientism


🔥🔥🔥 Small Pox

👉 Dr. AR Campbell MD - Discoverer of the Cause of Smallpox - bedbugs‼️😳
👉 SOLUTION: Poverty Alleviation & Hygiene Ended Small Pox‼️

🧵 11 - OmiCON‼️ - The Omicron CON

The Science of Scientism

🔥🔥🔥 How was "Omicron Variant" manufactured out of scientific self-deception❓

👉 Extensive notes in segments.
👉 Full segment 20211217 @drtomcowan…


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