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Curator of the art, history and fiction of old dreams.

Dec 22, 2021, 9 tweets

Just time for our occasional series: "Ladies in Bikinis Holding Model Aircraft!"

I will be testing you on the aircraft...

Who filed the first patent for a 'flying machine with a boat hull'?
- Alphonse Pénaud
- Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin
- Orville Wright

When built the first single engine monocoque aircraft?
- Dornier-Zeppelin
- Oswald Short
- LFG Roland

You buy a model aircraft whose controls use the 72 MHz frequency band. Which country are you NOT permitted to legally fly it in?
- Canada
- Singapore
- the Vatican city state

Which of these light jets is the fastest?
- the Cirrus Vision SF50
- the Dassault Falcon 10
- the Bombardier Learjet 25D

Which of these nations did not purchase the F4 Phantom?
- Spain
- Turkey
- Japan

Which of the following is NOT used to control a multi-pitch RC helicopter?
- the cyclic
- the collective
- the throttle

Which aircraft is depicted below?
- a Martin AM Mauler
- a Douglas A-1 Skyraider
- an NAA T28 Trojan

Well how did you do? I'm not going to tell you because I don't believe you were looking at the aircraft, but if you think you did well then well done!

More ladies in bikinis holding model aircraft another time...

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