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Dirty money, animal welfare, climate crisis, disinformation, politics. Fair weather golfer & pc gamer, #mufc

Dec 23, 2021, 6 tweets

Danish woman remanded for 21 days over laundering of $4.5b through Danske Bank's Estonian Branch.
She had been extradited to Denmark from England where she was held in custody & has ties to Russia, prosecution said.

Police went to her house in England July 2020, confiscating computers, phones & apparently she was 'shocked' they were there!!
“I was in shock, because I know with 100%, 200% (certainty) that I have done nothing wrong”
3 people have now been charged into Danske's $230b laundromat

It was Howard Wilkinson who blew the whistle on Danske's Estonian branch laundromat, after looking at a UK LLP Lantana Trade, a 'dormant' company depositing £Millions a day, connected to Putin's cousin, Igor.

Last year, @EvaJung_ from Berlingske Newspaper revealed the 3 people being investigated over ML through LPs at Danske's Estonian branch as Camilla Christiansen, Arunas Masenas & lastly Irene Ellert, named as the person extradited from England Dec 21

Camilla Christiansen has already been sent to prison for nearly 4 years for another money laundering case & according to
berlingske.dk/virksomheder/p… she could face jail for a total of 9 years if found guilty for her part in this.

Some of the focus on the charges to all 3 involve a company called CPH Consulting. Irene Ellert, who claims with "200% (certainty) that I have done nothing wrong" was a partner of CPH selling 'tax solutions' to wealthy Russians

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