Beth Joyner Waldron Profile picture
Patient advocate. Speaker. Writer. DVT/PE survivor. Co-founder UNC Clot Connect. Knowledge empowers, action transforms.

Dec 23, 2021, 14 tweets

1) Ok folks, buckle up.
I've been going through the financials of this CVS Caremark Eliquis issue because some things didn't quite square. We all know there is no clinical reason AT ALL to drop Eliquis, so it must be darn good business reason, right? But no.
Follow along...

2) Let's start with the drug #Eliquis In 2007, @pfizer and @bmsnews entered into a worldwide collaboration to develop & commercialize #Eliquis.

Third Quarter 2021 global earnings on Eliquis
= $1.3 BILLION

3)Most recent data I could find 2019--says around 3 million patients in US were taking Eliquis.

Fun fact @POTUSBiden takes Eliquis for afib, also has a history of DVT!

4) The generic for Eliqus (apixabn) WAS to have been available by now, but BMS has kept it tied up in patent litigation. Recent court ruling has pushed date for generic apixaban out to 2028.

5) Now let's look at @CVSHealth who owns @cvspharmacy (CVS Caremark) a pharmacy benefits manager. Despite news reports of retail store closings, the parent company had a pretty good 3rd Quarter also

6) Math is hard, but this is a pretty decent shareholders report I think @CVSHealth

Does that say total revenues INCREASED by how many BILLION?

7) Oh, but what about CVS Caremark, well the PBM line of business had a GREAT 3rd quarter too!!

Looky here folks, this says "Total revenues INCREASES 9.3% for the three months" ending 3Q 21.

Wow @AlanLotvinMD looks like @cvspharmacy is doing mighty swell. @elizcohencnn

8) So, let's recap our 2 corporations financials in this Eliquis drop decision.
@bmsnews posts BILLION $ profit for #Eliquis
@CVSHealth posts BILLION $ profit for its biz.
Yet neither can reach an agreement for patients to continue to get Eliquis, citing cost considerations.

9) That's what they are telling patients. This is the letter I got from @cvspharmacy. I've taken Eliquis for 8-9 years & now they say because they are "managing costs" and to ensure they are "used safely and appropriately" which is a laugh given the recent bleeding safety data.

10) If this is not about clinical evidence & it's not about managing costs (both making $$$) what the heck is the reason for taking away patients meds? It lacks reason on so many fronts. There's more to this story than is apparent. Full investigation needed. Protect patients.

11) I'd love nothing more than to go relax & bake Christmas cookies. But I can't. There's 150,000 patients who Jan 1 will be dangerously switched off their meds simply because they got caught between 2 corporations. This cannot happen! @AOC @elizcohencnn…

12) I don't care who of you takes credit for fixing this @CVSHealth @cvspharmacy @AlanLotvinMD @bmsnews @pfizer but get together & GET ELIQUIS BACK ON FORUMULARY AT THE SAME TIER ASAP!!!!! Just do it! Our LIVES are depending on YOU to give us this Christmas miracle!

13) eliquis xarelo retail for about the same $. There is only cost savings moving patients from one drug to the other if @CVSHealth reached a deal with one company for preferred biz treatment. It's presented as if this is about cost, but it's really about a failed biz deal.

14) Sum: @CVSHealth #Eliquis drop was NOT a clinical decision. It was a strategic biz decision to pull patients into failed @bmsnews contract dispute, despite both corps being BILLIONS profitable & rising 3Q revenues. Patients worried at Christmas results may be deadly. Shameful.

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