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Dec 23, 2021, 25 tweets

Both .@ips_nupurprasad Mam & .@SubodhJaiswal96 ji know that there're living monsters involved in the SSR-Disha & team's murder. But most crucial saga in the story is the murder of Disha Salian. Disha was Sushant's ex manager for a short span..

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Disha's in close contacts with powerful people of B'wood. That's why she knew Sushant personally. She was also in close contacts with Panama Big-B family & other influential people. She was a regular attendant at B'wood parties. But one day..

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she came across a drunk conversation with a friend who knew that people like Asharaf Bhatt were involved in escorting drugs, pimps & prostitutes. Bhatt's also involved in sexual assault case against Jiah Khan who's later murdered by🐷Pancholi.

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People like SalmanKhooni & Kjo were also involved in the business. In fact the entire industry knew these secrets but they kept silent.

Disha had enough evidence of these crimes with their proofs due to her strong industry nexus. This is why

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she was a threat to the B'wood mafia. One day on the night of 7th Ekta's b'day, she was invited to a penthouse, by 🐷 Pancholi, where Arbaaz Khan, Aaditya Thug, ShowikC, 🐍 Ssingh, Imtiaz khatri were already present. Pancholi confronted her..

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that night & threatened to kill her if she leaked the proofs to the media. But Disha was hesitant. Eventually these people gangraped her & made a fabricated story "jumping from of the 14th floor" to make it look like a su!cide. Her spouse...

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Rohan Rai (Missing) told IANS about the details. The journalist who was possibly threatened by the MVA-NCP goons later revealed Rohan's statement ["I am scared of some powerful people. I spoke to him ( Rohan) ' discovered that due to some...

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some pressure, he is not able to disclose information about the mysterious circumstances which led to Disha's murder. Rohan needs assurance & security so that he can shed light on the murder mystery which is also linked with Sushant's murder"]

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But before her death Disha had contacted Sushant. Now in complete state of shock SSR revealed this to Sandip Ssingh (unknowingly that🐍 was present) & RheaC who was scared as her brother was present at the party. This led to an argument b/w

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SSR & RheaC who wanted to save her brother so she contacted her mentor Bhatt who also had an affair with RheaC, told her to break up with Sushant. RheaC blackmailed SSR & left his house on the next ie 8th Jun. Coincidence! So suddenly SSR

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was left alone nearly for week. This is the time when he started receiving threat calls from numerous people. He changed his SIM card nearly 50 times. But the conspirators had already hatched a plan. Aaditya Thackeray the chief conspirator...

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wanted to eliminate SSR. He later bribed Sushant's friends like Sandip Ssingh ( who was already present), Siddharth Pithani, Sushant's cooks to play a part in the conspiracy. That's why the doorkeys were missing, the CCTV cameras were off...

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On the night of 13th June Thackeray along with his criminal gang, including Sachin Vaze, barged into SSR's house to kill him. This footage was captured in the CCTV footage of the neighbouring building. Also to be seen is Thackeray's car BMW.

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The gang entered Sushant's room misusing the duplicate key. They used Fudge (SSR's only friend) belt to strangle Sushant. They all killed Sushant brutally & later fabricated su!cide theroy using a curtain as there was no rope at his house.

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The🐧police were bribed by the MVA & entered the next morning on 14th Jun in advance to disclose it as a su!cide within 10-15 minutes. The rest is known to us all.

Sushant's body was transported to Cooper Hospital which is very far from...

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Mount Blanc. His body was transported thru Congress MLA BabaSiddiqui’s van. Later AadityaThackeray bribed the Dean & forensic experts of Cooper Hospital to issue a fake death certificate of suicide.

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1. If he hanged himself & Siddharth Pithani was there, then why is there not any picture of the hanging body?And how Siddharth Pithani dared to handle the body without confirming anybody?

2. Siddharth Pithani says that he is 5.7″ ,then how..

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did he bring SSR 's body down single handedly?

3. Siddharth Pithani who would stay with him since long but he doesn't know SSR's height, about so-called mental trauma, about the medication that RheaC was giving SSR arbitrarily, how?

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4. Another self pro-claimed 10 years old friend Sandip Singh who was having lunch with a political leader on that day of Murder says ,I got a call & rushed into the spot but Why didn't Sarad Pawar's Mumbai police record🐍Ssingh's statements?

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5. RheaC, how this girl seduced SSR that she entered into his life & alienated him & took control of all his Money matters & most importantly she was giving medication to SSR ?

6. Disha called SSR on the night of her death & revealed...

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something ,which SSR shared with Sandip Singh & after 5 days we hear the death of SSR. How ?

Sushant Singh Rajput was brutally murdered because first of all it wasn't a master room where the body was found ,his ligature mark should have been

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triangular but it's half circle ,there is a burnt mark on the left side of throat ,that is a mark of stun gun. Okay his height was 6.2″ but the height of bed & ceiling was 5.5 “ & most importantly he had a dog & we know dogs are very loyal...

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to their masters but he had no barking sound neighbors heard . Very suspicious ,No? His legs were bent ,body was yellowed reported by the Ambulance driver . I guess these are the massive testimonials which is crying out that it's a murder.

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Disha Salian ,who reported jumped off the 14 floor with naked body . Can you believe it? Disha died in a party, & again on the eve of SSR's death there was a party too.
Lastly let's talk about the miserable steps taken by AD's Mumbai Police.

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they didn't even lodge a FIR ,they didn't have a doubt whether SSR's death is linked to Disha's. There're continuously tampering evidences, pushing depression theories , backing RheaC who had contacts with Bandra DCP for 1 year, Regularly.

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