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Dec 23, 2021, 10 tweets

Places to visit in Nakuru on BUDGET.

1. Menengai Crater
Massive shield volcano with one of the biggest calderas in the world. Enjoy hilly ride to the top. Breathtaking views of nature. Walk around, take photos & picnic. Pics courtesy @benstake

2. Lord Egerton Castle

The place has a very interesting history. It is a copy of a castle in England built to impress a lady. You relax in compound. Also used for corporate functions. Entry KES 150. Pics @muturi_eva

3. Hyrax Hill Pre-historic site & Museum

The view at the top of the hill is sublime. You get to see Nakuru in its entirety & Lake Nakuru. Plenty of tortoise at the museum. Trails lead to the sites where artefacts found relating to early man.

4. Hell’s Gate National Park

Lots of up close animals to see. Walk amongst giraffes & zebras. The geology is fascinating. Bike through the park (choose your bicycle carefully). Also offers rock climbing & hiking thro' the gorge. Pics @benstake

5. Lake Nakuru National Park

One of the best national parks. There are bushy green parts that you don't see in Maasai Mara. Highlight definitely the White Rhinos. I highly recommend this Park if you are short in time or prefer short & easy game drives. Pics @benstake

6. Kariandusi Pre-historic Site

Good site especially if you are into human anthropology. There are pretty interesting skulls & displays. You can track the development of mankind all the way across the world.

7. Lake Naivasha

A beautiful freshwater lake. A haven for birds & hippos. Enjoy boat riding & watching The fish eagle dive to catch its prey. Also Hippocampus graze the banks. Pics @benstake

8. Kijabe Hill

9. Lake Elementaita

FLAMINGOS!!!! Pic courtesy @mwarv

10. Crescent Island Game Conservancy

A beautiful & peaceful place. Take a short boat ride and you are among the animals. Sit among the giraffes & zebra and just contemplate life. Pics courtesy @journeyinafrica

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