Guruvai Varuvai Arulvai Guhane Profile picture

Dec 23, 2021, 12 tweets

Get to know the Poorana Brahmam Perumal Temple at Ramarajya, Kelambakkam, Chennai, a beautiful temple envisioned by Siddha Yogi #sivashankarbaba. The full name of the diety is Hari Hara Hiranya Garbha Veera Venkata Satya Narayana Siva Shankara Poorana Brahmam.

This temple is unique and one of a kind in the world. The Poorana Brahmam idol has all the Dasavatars (10) of Lord Vishnu and their respective weapons in one form. The Lord graces the devotees by standing on a beautiful lotus flower.

The Lord also has three faces - Varaha (Brahma), Narasimha (Rudra) and Venkatachalapathy (Vishnu) - representing the three facets of divinity, namely creation, destruction and protection.

The Lord manifests himself in the Artha Nareeswara Swaroopam in that one side of the idol represents Lord Shiva (male) and the other side represents Goddess (Sakthi/Vishnu). Lord Shiva is also represented by a lingam on the idol.

The temple gopuram is also uniquely designed and resembles Tirupathi Perumal's diamond crown, and it's definitely a rare sight. The temple is designed such that sun light falls on the diety on all 365 days of the year.

Another unique aspect of the temple is that statues of 4 Maha Gurus (Kanchi Paramacharyar, Koti Swamy, Raghavendra Swamy and Shirdi Sai Baba) are installed on the 4 corners of the temple above the sanctum sanctorum.

Along with the Poorana Brahmam who is considered Lord Dakshinamoorthy in this temple, a grand total of Five MahaGurus grace the devotees with their divinity here.

Please visit this wonderful and unique temple when you get a chance at Ramarajyam, Kelambakkam, Chennai and seek the blessings of Poorana Brahmam Perumal!
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