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Official account of Centre for Cellular & Molecular Platforms C-CAMP, a Dept of Biotechnology, GoI supported initiative fostering high-end research & innovation

Dec 24, 2021, 8 tweets

We witnessed transformational Society-driven business ideas in Biotech at Edition 5 of CCAMP @BIRAC_2012 National Bio Entrepreneurship Competition #NBEC2021

We put a spotlight on their innovations in our new #MeetTheNBEC2021Winners series
@rajesh_gokhale @drashwathcn @Taslimarif

@Dipitrtech: Posture training device to reduce back & neck pain
Jitesh P: Bilirubin measuring device to screen Neonatal Jaundice
@freshrooms: Insect protein-based animal feed
Pratik P: Essential lipid production for nutritional needs

#MeetTheNBEC2021Winners #2

DNome: D-LAMP- PCR Tech-based Diagnostics
Sterent: Body fluid waste disposal system at hospitals
Humus: Wastewater treatment in public toilets
@heamachealth: Phototherapy to treat Neonatal Jaundice
@BIRAC_2012 @RenuSwarup @rajesh_gokhale @Taslimarif

#MeetTheNBEC2021Winners 3
@innaccel: Newborn respiratory support device for low-resource settings
Dharaksha: Biodegradable packaging
@ahammune: Non-steroidal therapy for vitiligo
@SNRAS2: Aquaculture for improved fishery crop
@RenuSwarup @rajesh_gokhale @Taslimarif @BIRAC_2012

#MeetTheNBEC2021Winners 4
Kranti K Ealla- Antibacterial & Osteoinductive hydrogel for dental wounds
Avinash S- Novel drug improving treatment of lymphatic Leukemia
@lifesparktech- Wearable mobility aid for Parkinson's patients
@BIRAC_2012 @Taslimarif @rajesh_gokhale



@Ayu_Devices : Smart Stethoscope to identify abnormal chest sounds for respiratory illnesses
@deval_karia: Affordable open-loop insulin pump for Type-1 Diabetes patients


@BIRAC_2012 @Taslimarif @rajesh_gokhale @RenuSwarup @DrManishDiwan @DBTIndia

#MeetTheNBEC2021Winners Students
Apurba Das @IITGuwahati Electro-active scaffolds for complex fracture healing

Pranay Rakesh @bitsince1979 Intelligent odour delivery system for memory reactivation

Harshith @sahyadri_camifus Low-cost ventilator with aerosol therapy

#MeetTheNBEC2021Winners Students

@sneehal22 @ari_pune Sensor-based diagnosis & monitoring of viral diseases in aquaculture

Gauri Ghule @mitadtpune Cortisol & Ion based sweat sensor to monitor cystic fibrosis patients
@BIRAC_2012 @RenuSwarup @DBTIndia @rajesh_gokhale @Taslimarif

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