Charlotte Clymer 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Writer. Lesbian. Texan. Veteran. Hoya. She. Jesus fan. |Rep: @lynnjohnstonlit | @GUPolitics | | subscribe: #BLM

Dec 24, 2021, 5 tweets

I’ve decided I’m gonna start buying shirts at every independent book store I visit, starting with @carmichaelsbook in Louisville, KY.

Also: peeped @laurenthehough’s book.

Also gonna grab this signed copy of @jodipicoult’s new novel “Wish You Were Here”.

Majestic, Jodi. Absolutely majestic.

Also got 2021 Best American Short Stories edited by @jesmimi because I’m in the mood to relax with some great short yarns.

Thanks so much, @carmichaelsbook! That was lovely! 🥰

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