Gary Patrick Brown 🇳🇱🇬🇧🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Profile picture
Lover of sport (Spurs fan, former England Men's Netball captain), animals, music & cake. He / Him Co-founder of

Dec 24, 2021, 8 tweets

A wonderful client of ours has sent us a 6-course menu, and now I need to replicate these dishes. Wish me luck!

Starting with a champagne and chambord cocktail. The centrepiece and bottle of wine were also gifts from other clients.

First course is a beetroot tartlet with picked blackberry and furikake.

Second course is a savoy cabbage with shiitake, caramelised onion and seaweed caviar.

Next up is pumpkin raviolo with pickled kaki, sea buckthorn, crispy sage and a mustard beurre monte.

The main course is a sunflower seed risotto, with celeriac puree and cavolo nero, topped with a salt-baked celeriac.

Dessert to finish is a brownie, topped with layers of vanilla and strawberry ice cream and a caramelised POTATO merengue (and it was bloody lush!)

Not bad, not bad at all.

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