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Dec 24, 2021, 12 tweets

Republican Representative Madison Cawthorn appears in a newly released promotional video for Shooter’s World, a chain of gun stores and shooting ranges in Arizona.

Can you spot all the safety concerns in this video?

Let’s review 4 universal firearms safety rules:

1) Treat all firearms as if they are loaded.

2) Control the muzzle at all times.

3) Keep your finger off the trigger until you’ve made a conscious decision to shoot.

4) Be sure of your target and it’s surroundings.

No one should ever be past the line of shooting, that means past anyone else shooting.

In this clip, Madison Cawthorn, while, yikes, still moving, is firing while another person is ahead of him.

The man in black is also shooting behind the man in gray. All safety violations.

The muzzles (the ends of the gun) aren’t lined up together.

Madison Cawthorn and the black shirt guy are in movement while they are shooting.

A trip, a rifle drop, a moment of being off balance, or a wheelchair swivel all become deadly possibilities.

The guy in the gray jacket filming has no business being there feet ahead of Madison Cawthorn as he shoots.

This may be the worse scene as Cawthorn muzzles the guy with a loaded handgun as he crossdraws and as he re-holsters.

This is absolutely unacceptable.

For someone who campaigns on guns, he seems to know very little.

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Anyone who allows someone to film ahead of the line of shooting like this doesn’t value gun safety.

Most gun ranges would kick you out for this. It’s shocking this is in a promotional video for a gun range.

In this scene, the videographer captured this footage in front of a loaded rifle.

This is also totally and completely unacceptable.

The promotional video ends with Madison Cawthorn ahead of the line of shooting as a beginner shoots. He is placing himself in danger.

Special thanks to @motocomms, a firearms instructor, for analysis of this video.

Arizona Shooter’s World is sharing their Madison Cawthorn video and his posts on their Instagram.

Are members of Congress allowed to appear in promotional videos for businesses like this?

Footage from the shoot that didn’t make it into he official gun store video.

You guessed it. More safety violations from Madison Cawthorn and his group.

AZ Shooters World says it “is first and foremost a world-class firearm education facility.”

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