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— for #태기

Dec 26, 2021, 13 tweets

when yoongi goes along with whatever taehyung wants to do — a very endearing thread ♡

let's start with the most iconic: when yoongi kept trying to change taehyung's mind about going again, but taehyung only had to look over at him before he was caving and agreeing to do it ;-;

when taehyung told yoongi to stop at the red light, he didn't even question him - he just stopped and waited with him until it turned green again :(

🐻 why don't we walk like this? [waddles]
🐱 why would we do that?
🐻 just try it!
🐱 [waddles with him]

🐱 i'm doing this because taehyung wanted to!

🐱 i can't sing it! the notes are too high!
🐻 ok! 5, 6, 7, 8!
🐱 [immediately starts singing]

i can't forget everybody's favorite: when yoongi let taehyung hug him tightly and pick him up :'(

when taehyung said he was looking for something fun to do as their entrance on gda and suggested the piggyback, yoongi didn't want to do it but he still allowed taehyung to carry him out on stage ;-;

yoongi always showing his teeth when taehyung asks him to :(

when taehyung asked yoongi for help opening his water bottle and yoongi didn't even hesitate - and then he even stood there cutely holding the cap until taehyung had finished drinking ;-;

when yoongi said he will wear whatever taehyung chooses for them and when he promised him that he will wear it until they arrive back in korea :(

yoongi is willing to let taehyung drag him anywhere

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