Sarah Kendzior Profile picture
Non-fiction horror writer. PhD. Author of bestsellers HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT, THE VIEW FROM FLYOVER COUNTRY, THEY KNEW. Forthcoming: THE LAST AMERICAN ROAD TRIP.

Dec 26, 2021, 13 tweets

The grave of Robert Johnson, Greenwood, Mississippi

William Faulkner's grave in Oxford MS and former residence in New Orleans

Johnny Cash's childhood home, Dyess, Arkansas

Britney Spears' hometown museum, Kentwood, Louisiana

Lynyrd Skynyrd plane crash site in Magnolia, Mississippi

Lynyrd Skynyrd crash site

Easy Rider acid trip tomb, New Orleans

St Louis Cemetery #1 with grave of Marie Laveau, New Orleans

St Expedite, my new favorite saint, New Orleans

Messages in New Orleans, end of 2021

New Orleans

Swamp boat sites, southern Louisiana

Graffiti inside rural Louisiana rest room

Graffiti on New Orleans cemetery wall

The end.

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