Alina Chan Profile picture
Scientist against lab-based pandemics 🧬 Co-author of VIRAL: the search for the origin of Covid-19 📖 A dangerous young investigator 🕵🏻‍♀

Dec 27, 2021, 6 tweets

Omicron (orange line; BA.1) dominating in every continent.

Visualized on the homepage of @covidcg

@CovidCg New % of sequences shared by each country each week that are Omicron.

Visualized using the Compare Locations feature on

@CovidCg For US states, new % of sequences shared by each state each week that are Omicron.

Visualized using the Compare Locations feature on

Another variant that seems to still be going strong in Europe despite the Omicron is AY.43, one of the Delta subvariants.

In the UK, % of sequences shared that are Omicron shown in blue over time.

Visualized using the Compare Lineages feature on

Can be visualized in new counts of Omicron (blue) per day as well. Still showing United Kingdom sequences.

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