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Dec 27, 2021, 17 tweets

NYC antivaxxers, some wearing MLK images, storm a Burger King to protest vaccine mandates and begin cussing at each other. Many scatter when the NYPD show up.

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There are about 10-15 people live streaming this. Antivaxxer clout is what they chase.

The antivaxxers wants the NYPD to leave first. Some yell about “discrimination,” while others try to get a “Let’s go Brandon” chant going.

“You’ll be in there a few hours. I’d love to shake your hand behind bars.”

This man was arrested at Cheesecake Factory and Applebee’s. He’s itching to add a Burger King arrest notch to his belt and invites others to get arrested with him.

This antivaxxer is wearing a Star of David while protesting a Burger King for not allowing in-person dining without a vaccine card.

The Burger King has repeatedly asked the antivaxxers to leave and called the police. The antivaxxers are disappointed in the NYPD.

One antivaxxer says to another, “Martin Luther King is smiling at you, brother.”

The NYPD warns that Burger King has asked the antivaxxers to leave.

Some volunteer for arrest right away. Yelling at fast food workers at Burger King can’t change New York policy.

And there it is… the man storming Cheesecake Factory, Applebee’s, and Burger King has been identified as January 6th rioter Mitchell Bosch.

Another antivaxxer argues with police that Burger King is a public facility and not a private business that can deny service.

“If [Burger King] was private they would do it by appointments only.”

These are the same people pretending to be experts on the vaccine.

January 6th rioter Mitchell Bosch wearing an MLK hoodie to storm Burger King.

“Ain’t nothing more beautiful than being behind bars.”

January 6th rioter Mitchell Bosch commits to being arrested for trespassing at a Burger King despite being given “ample time” to leave.

The antivaxxers ask NYPD will leave before they do and refuse to leave together.

January 6th rioter Mitchell Bosch tells other antivaxxers to “lock arms” in the Burger King lobby and calls any other antivaxxer leaving at this point in order to avoid arrest, “a coward.”

After the arrests, antivaxxers in the crowd call the NYPD “Nazis” and the “Gestapo.”

After two were arrested, this antivaxxer repeatedly yelled, “Heil Hitler” at the NYPD.

The antivaxxer crowd also attempted to shame the NYPD with the veteran status of one of those arrested.

“We no longer back the blue.”

The antivaxxers declare the NYPD “are the enemy” and they “don’t support the blue anymore.”

Antivaxxers celebrate as those arrested after harassing Burger King workers were released.

This antivaxxer doesn’t even want Burger King. Listen as her friends harass the employees about MLK and she tries to liken this to racial segregation.

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