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Dec 28, 2021, 7 tweets


There has been plenty of bad news when it comes to the state of the global environment this year. So here’s a look at five of the most important good-news stories from 2021, according to scientists and conservationists.


1) The ozone layer is healing

The hole in the ozone layer is expected to fully heal over the northern hemisphere by the 2030s and the southern hemisphere and polar regions by the 2060s - according to the UN.


2) The Great Barrier Reef is recovering

Scientists have been using 'coral IVF' in an effort to regenerate areas of the Great Barrier Reef hit by bleaching or destruction from storms.


3) China’s giant pandas are no longer ‘endangered’ 🐼

Home to more than 1,800 giant pandas living in the wilderness, China reported in July that the iconic bears are now classified as just “vulnerable” thanks to conservation efforts.


4) The marine reserve around the legendary Galapagos Islands to expand

Ecuador plans to expand the marine-protected area around the Galapagos Islands, known for some of the planet’s most exotic animals.


5) Despite supply chain problems stemming from the pandemic, renewable energy generation hit an all-time high in 2021

With much of the infrastructure in Syria’s rebel-held northwest destroyed in the war, these farmers are turning to solar power ⬇️

Read more on the good-news environmental stories from 2021 here 👇

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