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Dec 28, 2021, 10 tweets

FURIOUS an understatement!I was given an email address to sort out return of banner the Met Police stole. No replies in over a week. Gareth contacted MET today & told it was destroyed the day seized. That banner has been everywhere with us for 3 years. It can be replaced but…

It’s not the same. They had no right whether moral or legal. This if true is not a banner loss but a knife through the heart of democracy.

This is the officer that drove off with banner in van. He was back an hour later so …

This was myself and Gareth trying to get our banner back… despite our protests for several minutes they refused to engage or acknowledge us.

Reporting the theft and asking for the Bronze commanders details so I can establish how to get banner back.

Collared Deputy Assistant Commissioner Matthew Twist but he was pretty clueless to be honest…

Last resort banner return Police liaison officer part 1

Police liaison officer last resort part 2 banner return.

So on 18th December I went to Charring cross police station to get our banner back. I’m told I’m not following due process despite being told to go there to get & given an email address. In over a week no replies to my emails.

This was Bronze commander on the day. There can be no doubt I made it clear it was my (our) banner and I did all I could to make it known and to get it back.

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