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Dec 29, 2021, 6 tweets

When it comes to law school admissions, 2021 was one for the record books. The number of applicants vying to be first-year law students this fall jumped 13%—the biggest year-over-year increase since 2002 1/6

Law School Admission Test scores also shot up, with more than double the number of applicants scoring in the highest band of 175 to 180. As a result, the median LSAT score among the new classes at nearly every law school went up 2/6

Andy Cornblatt, dean of admissions at Georgetown University Law Center, said the 2021 cycle was a 'perfect storm' of the pandemic and current events pushing people to apply to law school 3/6

Some law schools struggled to manage the influx of applicants, ending up with first-year classes that are significantly larger than they had planned for. A number of elite law schools also admitted their most diverse classes ever 4/6

Some were shut out of schools they would have been admitted to in any other year, he noted, while schools took more time than usual to make decisions—a further source of stress for applicants 5/6

The University of Michigan Law School saw a 42% increase in applications last cycle and hired an additional first reader to help wade through them all, said senior assistant dean Sarah Zearfoss.

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