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(he/him) Homo ludens, historian, libertarian socialist, feminist, vegan. #wargames #wargaming #boardgames #Kriegsspiel #conflictsim ✊ ¡No pasarán!

Dec 30, 2021, 67 tweets

Let's take a look at @onusgame by @DracoIdeasEN. Basically a #miniatures #tabletop #wargame - but with cards instead of actual minies. #boardgames

I came across ONUS! after beeing introduced to Blücher which can also be played with unit cards. The low entry barrier is appealing!

Welcome to the ancient world. Today I'll try a random #PeloponnesianWar inspired battle solo, both armies with slightly over 1.000pts.

Athenians under Themistocles bring a strong left wing with some Thessalian Mercenary Cavalry, standard Hoplites covered by Peltast on the right.

While the Spartans under Agesilaus II bring lots of Helots, their superior Hoplites and a cavalry wing.

I've adjusted the random setup line into a formation that makes more sense to me.

Beware, it is my first session and I might very likely make some mistakes here and there.

The Spartans gain the initiative.
On first turn, they play movement orders (withdrawal makes no sense).

They decide to attack. They bring forward the three Helot Infantry units which are equiped with javelins and the cavalry, but only with reduced movement to avoid isolation.

However, this keeps them out of range, thus there is no ranged combat, nor melee.

Time for Athena's sons to strike.

With Complete Mobilization Themistocles moves his whole army up with reduced movement to match the enemy deployment.

The Peltasts, although outnumbered, get first blood on the Helot Infantry with their javelins at close range!

Rolling 4 dice +3 against 6 Dodge, landing two hits each, then rolling 2 dice +3 against 4 Shield. On a six, one immediate hit is applied on one of the Helots, the unit however attacks again with Intensive Ranged Fire, landing 2 hits, one of them an immediate hit.

For each attack, an event is drawn, only one applies to one of the Helots, making them Resist!, granting +1 Defense (doesn't help them here) and +2 Morale.

After each attack and applied hits, the unit has to conduct a morale test with +1 from the general, against 7 minus wounds.

The resisting unit has a modified morale of 7, thus nö test is necessary.
The other unit didn't need to test for first attack, but after the second, morale is 4. On a roll of 3, they don't break and stand as well.

Cards are drawn, end of turn 1.

Turn 2. Spartan AI plays a movement and a healing order, as they have a unit with ≥2 wounds.
Again, Agesilaus decides to attack (all units charge or shoot)!
With Probe they can move 2 units, and would prio ranged. However, some are hit and still out alone. One will heal.

2 Helots will do ranged. They could additionally charge, but their melee value prevents it.

Helots attack ranged, but I play Wind Changes, which makes them hit a unit of their army. They roll 4d6 +3 vs 6 Dodge, 2 hits makes 2d6 +3 vs 4, 1 wound.

The hit Helots pass morale test with 3 and are next to throw javelins at Peltasts.
4d6 +3 vs 6 Dodge, 2 hits, 2d6 +3 vs 4, 2 wound. Morale test is not necessary, because they are in Themistocles' command range.

Themistocles (hello, that's me) has several choices, as all order cards can be played, one would activate all units. However, I want to continue the skirmish game a little longer. No need to engage the superior Spartan Hoplites earlier than necessary.
I play General Mobilization.

And Field Doctors. Those remove one wound from Peltasts.

With General Mobilization I can activate ≤½ army, 3 units. I choose the other Peltasts, and the Thessalian Mercenary cavalry.

The random event is Broken Line. The Peltasts deal 1 wound. 6 -1 wound -2 event +1 general = 4, roll of 3 and These are good. Too bad.

The charge with Thessalians might be a mistake. Slightly weaker in defense, their onrush ability only shines against infantry and would allow them to apply hits first in melee. Against cavalry both inflict hits simultaneously. Let's call upon Athena to ride with us today.

Beware, the (charge) melee happens after the ranged combat phase. The cavalry would have moved into contact before the ranged attack above. However, in this instance it doesn't make a difference, as no ranged attack could have targeted the Hippeis.

Now, the charging unit can turn before the move. Let's adjust the movement, so that one section of our unit can flank the enemy (this turn, next turn the Hippeis will enjoy the same).

Both units roll 4d6 (sections in contact), Hippeis are flanked and get -2 defense, -1 morale.

Thessalians Roll 4d6 +5 for impact, with 7-2=5 dodge, all dice but a 1 (blunder) would hit, but as professionals they could reroll ones. All rolls are above. They roll 4d6 +4 for wounds against 7-2=5 defense, all modified rolls are above and thus 4 wounds are applied.

The Reroll event is not even necessary.

The Hippeis roll 4d6 +4 for Impact vs 7 Dodge! With 2 ones rerolled, because they are professionals, they land 2 hits. 2d6 +4 vs 5, 2 wounds.

Only the Hippeis gain +1 morale, because Agesilaus II has a command range of 4! Both hold.

I draw only 1 card, even though I have played 2 this turn. The AI always discards unplayed cards and draws 3 new cards.

Turn 3, Spartans play 2 movement orders, as they don't have a broken unit (yet). However, one of their movement orders does only to allow units for ranged attacks without javelins and is discarded. That leaves Cavalry Advance as only activation for the Hippeis.

They decide to attack nearby units. Well, they are in melee anyway. Other than stated above, I believe they don't get the flanking against the Thessaliens now, because being in melee prevents them from moving or changing formation. Hm, I might be wrong here...

Random event would allow a follow-up charge for Hippeis, if the Thessaliens break.

Hippeis attack with 4d6 +4-1 vs 7 (argh, I've applied wounds on def above, that was obviously wrong...), no hits on impact anyway!

Thessalians roll 4 impacts and 4 wounds! Hippeis are shattered!

Because the Thessalians haven't suffered any damage, no morale test is made. They are sure now, that Athena wields her spear against the Spartans today!
Themistocles smiles as the Spartan right flank is now vulnerably unprotected. The hoplites' weak flank (although no modifier).

I play a Complete Mobilization and activate all units. Peltasts for skirmish, all Hoplites start shifting left with reduced movement to build a Schwerpunkt on the left flank. The Thessalians move reduced and turn slighlty, as they do a formation change to extend their formation.

The Peltasts get out another volley of javelins upon the Helots. The random event negates the ranged attack, however.
The neighboring unit rolls 4d6 +3 vs 6 for 2 impact, 4d6 +3 vs 4 for 2 hits! The To The Death event does not apply to ranged attacks.

The Helots make a morale test with 1d6 +6-5+1, on a 6 they break. Broken units suffer -1 on attack and morale. Another failed test and they will flee.

I draw a card, the AI draws 3. End of turn.

Btw, it is Thessalians! Damn you auto-correct!

Turn 4. The Spartans play Mobilization for all remaining 6 units, and Scouts to steal a random card from my hand. On a roll of 2 Agesilaus decides to maintain positions and protect the general. Wow!

The Peltasts will fire. The Spartan Hoplites will have another wineskin.

First Helots throw 4d6 +3 vs 6, 1 Impact, they reroll one die without effect, 1d6 +3 vs 4, 1 hit.
Second roll 4d6 +3-1-1 for hits and broken vs 6, 1 impact, 1d6 +3-1-1 vs 4, 1 hit. Peltasts pass test.

Third rolls against Hoplites and their Attendants as they may attack them. The same roll is applied against both units, 2d6 +3 vs 6/5, 1 impact on both, no hit.

I am lacking movement orders now, due to enemy scouts.

With Field Doctors, I remove 1 hit from Peltasts which can still attack in ranged combat.

Themistocles may activate the unit he is with for free and charges them into the Helots, but as Skirmishers they can evade!

The Peltasts Roll 4d6 +3 vs 6, 3 impact, 3d6 +3 vs 4, 3 wounds! The Helot Infantry is shattered as well!

So far the battle develops in favor of the Athenians, but they are hampered by their low amount of order cards. And the Spartans still have the superior Hoplites in reserve.

Turn 5, Spartans activate all remaining units and force a Stampede on the Thessalians, which have to make a morale test with -1 plus -2 because they are extended! On a 6 they flee! 😱
This removes all counters and makes them move home by reduced movement. Where is Athena now?!

On another 2 Agesilaus still want's to maintain positions. Okay...

It seems that the AI does never make use of special formations, hm. Maybe the Spartan Hoplites would form the Wall of Shields with such a defensive stance?

Anyway, Helots skirmish again. No hits, though.

I play General Mobilization, activate Peltasts, one Hoplites and Themistocles's unit for free.

Center Peltasts move and do ranged combat, their neighboring unit also throws javelins, Hoplites move up behind, Themistocles orders forming Phalanx - will deal damage first in melee.

The leftmost Helots are wounded by two and break.

In the fleeing phase the Thessalians make a morale test. This is weird. The hits were removed, thus rallying can only fail on a roll of 1?

That's not the case, thus they turn around again. Athena has whispered in their ears...

Turn 6: Spartans play Mobilization for remaining units and Forced March, granting all units +1 movement. Agesilaus remains cautious, on 1 would withdraw his unit, but as he isn't in danger he rerolls for a 2 and maintains positions, again. There are no inferior units to charge.

Still not sure, if the AI would ever use special formations, but I'll put the Spartan Hoplites into Wall of Shields now.
The Helots will throw some javelins on Hoplites again, total miss however, their broken unit retires.

I play a Complete Mobilization for all units. Time to build up some pressure.

Peltasts and Hoplites slowly advance, the Thessalians spur their horses forward as Themistocles drives his men into the clash of shields against prepared Spartans!

I'll also move the central Peltasts into close range. Both get their javelins out against the Helots, but the central ranged attack is made impossible by event.

4d6 +3 vs 6, 2 impacts, 2d6 +3 vs 4, no wounds inflicted. gnarf

Now, Themistocles' Hoplites swing in to line up with the Spartans.

One thing I missed for melee before: AI draws two additional cards after the random event which could add to their attack/defense!

Both units are professionals. The Athenian Attendants won't be hit in melee.

Themistocles grants +1 defense. The Phalanx formation is a one shot, it makes the enemy suffer damage and undergo morale test first, but only upon first contact!

Wall of Shields grants +1 defense.

I play 1 of my 2 remaining cards for Massacre! This grants both units +2 attack!

Random event is Wounded General, but Agesilaus is not with his men. The 2 cards for the AI provide nothing. Shove, men, shove!

Athenians go in 4d6 +5 +1 phalanx +2 massacre vs 6+1 wall, 4 impact, 4d6 +4+1+2 vs 6+1, 4 wounds! Spartans roll morale 1d6 vs 8-4+1, on 5 they break!

The Spartans strike back now. 4d6 +5 +2 massacre -1 wounds -1 broken vs 6 +1 general, 3 impacts, 3d6 +5 +2-1-1 vs 7+1, 3 wounds! Morale test vs 8-3+1, they stand strong. FOR ATHENA!

Rewind, one of the two attack events for the Spartans puts a Fallen Officer on the Athenian Hoplites, as they have suffered ≥2 wounds, this gives -1 attack/defense/morale, but fortunatley the morale test is still passed.

Turn 7: With Cavalry Advance the Spartans cannot move any unit, Agesilaus bolsters his command rating by 1. What's this guy up to?!

The melee, however, continues automatically. Now, the Athenian Phalanx has lost its magic, combat is simultaneous again.

Spartans attack with 4d6 +5-1-1 vs 6 +1-1, 3 impact, 3d6 +5-1-1 vs 7 +1-1, no wounds!

Athenians attack with 4d6 +5-1-1 vs 6+1, 3 impacts, 3d6 +4-1-1 vs 6+1, no wounds!

Both undergo morale test in case of tie. Both break! Spartans flee with 2 breaks!

With lack of order cards I play Recover Officers on Themistocles' Hoplites, they take a breath after the previous fight, shouting pregoratory insults after the fleeing Spartan Hoplites!

Turn 8: Spartans play General Mobilization for 2 units and Organize Units which allows a morale test on all broken or fleeing units with +1 to remove a breaking status. The Helots rally, as do the fleeing Hoplites! Seems they won't take those insults. 😱 They turn around again!

On a 2 Agesilaus maintains positions again... Is this guy even awake?! Did he get a bad omen?

Anyway, the Helot skirmishers are activated again, one moves into close range, but Solid Defense prevents the attack. The other one attacks the opposing Peltasts and inflicts 1 wound.

I play my remainig 2 cards. With Organize Units the Hoplites remove broken status. With General Mobilization Peltasts and Thessalian Cavalry are activated. The horses charge!

Not clear to me whether attack/defense events apply in ranged combat or if only ranged apply (I assume the latter for now, Peltasts would have gained a Hero...).

One Helot receives 2 wounds and breaks, the other one suffers 1 and is good.

The Thessalians smash into the right flank of previously fleeing Hoplites, which are still broken. Two sections are even able to swing into their rear! This shall be devastating!

Spartan Hoplites' spears give +1att vs horse. Thessalians' Onrush gives +1att vs inf, they attack first and an additional morale test is imposed on the overall loser. Being attacked in flank gives -1def/morale on flank, -2 on rear. Cav vs inf gains +1att on flank, +2 on rear!

Thessalians attack 2d6 +5+1 onrush +1 flank vs 6 -1 flank -1 broken, 1 impact, 1d6 +4+1+1 vs 6-1-1, 1 wound, and 2d6 +5+1+2 rear vs 6-2-1, 2 impact, 2 wounds. Spartans' morale test vs 8-3-1-2+1, on 5 they break and flee once more. The cavalry can now move again, but not attack.

The Spartans don't get to counter-attack, but as I understand it they would still have to make a second morale test. However, fleeing units probably only get one broken counter... What the second morale test would potentially do if the loser fled already is not clear to me. 🤔

Also, can I move the Thessalians back into contact, even though they may not attack again this turn, just to prevent the flee movement and force the Hoplites to fight/defend again?

Alright, I can move them back into contact due to onrush. Let's do that and surround them.

I don't see, what an additional failed morale test would have done/could do to them, though. Would they just keep running away? Or would they be shattered eventually?

Turn 8: Spartans play Regroup to stop Hoplites from fleeing and Transfer General to move Agesilaus, as the just rallied Hoplites are within 2UD and the general grants att/def bonus, they will probably move him over there to try and save the day.

The hoplites can now attack.

Or can they? Both units cannot make another action this turn. Well, sorry boys.

I only move Themistocles' unit for free, unfortunately, they are not in charging range. But without playing a card, I can draw 3 new cards for next turn!

The Thessalians, however, will strike again! As they are already in contact, onrush doesn't count this time, thus combat is simultaneous, and they might suffer for being extended. But with Massive Casualties (doubled casualties!) they might deal a good lash!

Events don't apply.
1d6 +5 front vs 6+2 general, nope.
2d6 +5+1 flank vs 6+2-1 flank, 2 Imp, 2d6 +4+1 vs 6+2-1, 2 wounds x2.
1d6 +5+2 rear vs 6+2-2 rear, 1 Imp, 1d6 +4+2 vs 6+2-2, 1 wound.

They do only counter-attack with 2d6 +5+1-1+1 vs 7, 2 Imp, vs 5, 2 wound.

Spartans roll morale vs 8-5+1-2-1 vs 1, on 4 they break and flee, again. Hm. I like and dislike it at the same time.

I've the strange feeling that all 4d6 are actually rolled at once, but not sure if modifiers are all cummulative... 🧐

I will stop the game here. I think the Spartans wouldn't keep sitting and watch their flank being molested. Hoplites with Agesilaus would leave the battlefield next turn, if not rallied again to keep the Thessalians busy.

Learned a lot and found a buch of things to double check.

@UnrollHelper pls unroll

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