Rep. Eric Swalwell Profile picture
Husband | Dad to Nelson, Cricket & Hank | Congressman |@HouseJudiciary @HomelandDems | social media policy: | #EndGunViolence

Dec 30, 2021, 8 tweets

A man DM’d I should be shot. For my family’s safety, I asked Twitter for help ID’ing him. When Twitter fell short (thanks for trying!) I asked the guy his name (stringing him a bit) & why he threatened me. Meet Jeremy Marshall who told me he was radicalized by Tucker Carlson. 🧵

The other person he was radicalized by was Joe Rogan.

A few notes:

— I engaged with this guy solely to learn as much as I could about his identify to share it with law enforcement.

— I do not have any family in Canada, I was trying to get information about his business.

Bottom-line: the lies from Tucker and others are radicalizing people across not just America but the world. And the lies are inspiring people to make threats of violence against lawmakers. Tucker & Co. know this. And that’s why they tell their lies. They want to incite the mob.

Finally, please do not threaten/harass Jeremy. Let the law/Instagram hold him accountable.

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