Lawrence Gilder Profile picture
Undergraduate at @uniofeastanglia Personal Account: @LawrenceEGilder

Dec 30, 2021, 12 tweets

UK #DailyCovidUpdate | 30th Dec 2021

- Total: 12,748,050 (+189,213) [avg. 140,592.43]

- 28d: 148,421 (+332) [avg. 100.14]
- 60d: 170,465 (+389) [avg. 120.43]

- 1st: 51,738,013 (+32,607)
- 2nd: 47,368,074 (+43,766)
- 3rd: 33,527,184 (+435,293)

NOTES [1]: Today's cases include a 48-hour period for Wales, however, deaths are for a 24-hour period only. We are unable to separate these figures into their individual days.

NOTES [2]: Deaths reported today include a backlog of hospital deaths reported by NHS England covering the 24th to 29th of December. Due to this, weekly comparisons and averages should still be taken with caution.

#DailyCovidUpdate | Omicron Cases [30 Dec 2021]

19,544 new Omicron cases were reported today, for a total of 229,666 in the UK.

198,348 are in England (+16,801)
12,540 are in N. Ireland (+574)
10,679 are in Scotland (+1,439)
8,099 are in Wales (+730)

#DailyCovidUpdate | Admissions by Nation [30 Dec 2021]

[Latest Data: Dec 24th]

On Dec 24th, there was a total of 1,152 admissions, compared to 858 a week previous.

1,020 were from England (743)
78 were from Scotland (63)
22 were from N. Ireland (25)
32 were from Wales (27)

NOTE: We are currently delayed due to the lack of reporting from Scotland. England admissions continue to rise. (28th Dec is at 2,082)

#DailyCovidUpdate | Deaths by Date of Occurrence [30th December 2021]

332 deaths were reported today within a 28-day cutoff.
The 7-day average is 98.29

The current peak of this wave is 191 (28th Oct 2021)

#DailyCovidUpdate | Cases by Specimen [30th December 2021]

189,213 positive cases were reported today.
The 7-day average is 119,033.57

⚠️The NEW peak of this pandemic is 166,670. (previously 145,726) (27th Dec 2021)

#DailyCovidUpdate | Vaccines [30th December 2021]

- 1st: 51,738,013 (+32,607) {77.13%} [avg. 17,275]
- 2nd: 47,368,074 (+43,766) {70.61%} [avg. 22,574]
- 3rd: 33,527,184 (+435,293) {49.98%} [avg. 263,180]

#DailyCovidUpdate | Age Distribution of English Cases [30-12-21]

0-9: 4.88% (7085)
10-19: 9.63% (13981)
20-29: 21.44% (31120)
30-39: 20.43% (29649)
40-49: 15.89% (23061)
50-59: 13.96% (20262)
60-69: 7.84% (11374)
70-79: 4.11% (5961)
80-89: 1.46% (2114)
90+: 0.35% (513)

#DailyCovidUpdate | Age Distribution of English Deaths [30th December 2021]

[n=49] [Latest Data: Dec 25th]

0-9: 0% (0)
10-19: 0% (0)
20-29: 2.04% (1)
30-39: 0% (0)
40-49: 4.08% (2)
50-59: 12.24% (6)
60-69: 20.41% (10)
70-79: 12.24% (6)
80-89: 40.82% (20)
90+: 8.16% (4)

#DailyCovidUpdate | Age Distribution of English Vaccination Uptake [30th December 2021]

The full live dataset can be found here:…

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