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Dec 30, 2021, 32 tweets

Community town hall!

A negative COVID test is required to return to DCPS on Wed Jan 5, 2022

Why moving to this? A critical strategy to prevent spread in schools. Focus is on PREVENT, SCREEN, INFORM.

Not uncommon to see spike after holidays, but this spike is unusual, partly due to omicron variant-- more contagious as well as infectious.

Test to Return is "brilliant, science-based idea."

Contagious diseases are classified by R-naught value (R0). E.g. if R0 is 3, one person spreads it to three, who spread to another three, over and over. 1 person can spread to 80k people-- that's what exponential growth does.

DC's "layered approach" includes hygiene, face coverings, distance, testing. But before anyone comes to school, test (might catch asymptomatic). Rapid antigen can quickly detect. Try to avoid as many positives in school setting as possible.

Pick up tests on 1/3 & 1/4. Tests also available all over the District. Administer test ON TUESDAY so as to have 24-hr window of results. Upload result once taken or by 5 p.m. to DCPS.dc.gov/safereturn

No rapid antigen tests administered prior to 1/4 will be considered, however, you can submit PCR test results.
Note-- prior tweet said return by 5 p.m. but it's by 4 p.m.

Questions or problems? Call 202-442-5885 and press option ONE.

If child tests positive, notify school right away so student's absence is dealt with accordingly. See slide for protocol and quarantine.

All kits have been delivered to schools and directions have been given. You can pick up tests at your school or any school that is convenient.

Meals will be available to students on 1/3 and 1/4. See below for more on locations and schedule.

In addition to layered mitigation, schools will keep implementing Ask, Ask, Look. (Or, you know, look and ask and don't send your kid sick to school)

"Do a visual look at your children" for signs of illness to keep schools COVID-free.

More than 96k asymptomatic tests have been administered in schools since program was implemented 9/1/21. Program is opt-out
(remember when it briefly was opt-in?)

Regular asymptomatic testing will resume the week of January 10, 2022. Below, some strategies on how positive cases are handled and reported. If you test positive, notify DCPS (and the District):

When will classes or schools pivot to virtual?
Will consider public health guidance, the impact to the educational community and then focus on whether school can operate effectively and safely.

There will be grab-and-go meals (breakfast/lunch) at schools with capability to do so. There will also be sites for meal distribution.

Please get boosted-- staff, students, families. School sites will continue to serve as vaccination facilities. See facilities below.

Families can pick up test directly at schools or one of several sites with extended hours. If you pick up a rapid antigen test at these locations or get them privately, please ADMINISTER TEST ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 4. Upload results to DCPS.dc.gov/safereturn

Questions? Problems? Assistance? Call the numbers below:

Q: Test pick-up. By appointment or when?
Parent pick-up-- no appt is needed. Wait for school instructions on logistics. Families should have no issue picking up a kit from school or from citywide sites.
Can go to any school.

Q: Reporting results?
Submit at dcps.dc.gov/safereturn

Pick up kits before 4 p.m. on Tue 1/4 so results can be in by Tuesday, 1/4 at 5 p.m. Results appear in about 15 minutes. Take a picture and upload.

Complete information and uploads, and info will go directly to school leaders.

Q: Will there be video instructions?
A: Yes, download app from kit so you can see how to administer. There will also be translated instructions.

Q: How will DCPS reach families w/o internet?

A: Will call directly, as well as text. Most families have access to mobile. Asking school networks to reach out (room parent, PTO, PTA, etc.)

Q: What will happen to students who arrive w/o proof of positive test?
A: Trying to minimize, focusing on rapid test on 1/4 as much as possible.

Re: Cleaning-- custodial staff does their job regularly but if needed, DGS will provide deep cleaning.

Asynchronous learning will happen for students who need to quarantine/isolate. Will transition to a simulcast if a larger proportion of class/grade level needs to be virtual.

Will masks be provided for families and students?
Any student who doesn't have a mask will get one-- has been this way all along.

Information can be accessed at dcpsreopenstrong.com

Can negative results be submitted after deadline? (If working parent, etc)

Anyone in family above 15 years of age can help a child upload a test. If still cannot, please reach out to your school.

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