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Dec 31, 2021, 17 tweets

In light of the connections between Lyndon McLeod, the Denver mass shooter and "crypto-fascist" groups like Operation Werewolf and Wolves of Vinland, we'd like to introduce you to Patrick Duggan, an adherent from Long Island who runs Vamachara Tattoo in Port Jefferson, NY.

The "ideology" underpinning the Wolves of Vinland/ Operation Werewolf blends hyper-masculinity with counter-culture, racism, & pre-Germanic folk traditions. The founder of this bs, Paul Waggener, cribbed heavily from Julius Evola, a fascist philosopher.…

Operation Werewolf members engage in scripted violence with other Far Right groups. In August 2020, Operation Werewolf member Richard Bowman II attended a Far Right rally in Portland armed w/ a baton and hard-knuckle gloves looking to attack antifascists.…

In 2012, Wolves of Vinland member, Maurice "Hjalti" Michaely, did 2 years in prison for burning down a historic Black church & causing over $1 mil in damage. He took the below photo of Patrick Duggan (on the right), who goes by "bikervvitch_tattooer" on IG, and other WoV members.

In the wake of the shooting, which killed five people, other notorious nazis are promoting the Denver shooter and telling others to take 'inspiration' from him.

And as the links between the Denver shooter and others on the Far Right continue to pile up, many are wondering what can be done to stop groups and people who "are inspired by" the kind of ideas promoted by the Wolves of Vinland.

One thing we can do is expose potential radicalization vectors in our communities. Patrick Duggan is one such vector. He runs Vamachara Tattoo in Port Jefferson, NY, and has associated w/ Wolves of Vinland since at least 2017. He is pictured tattooing its founder, Paul Waggener.

In the accompanying text to the photo of Patrick Duggan tattooing the Wolves of Vinland founder Paul Waggener, Patrick writes a lot of 'spiritual' garbage, reps Operation Werewolf & Wolves of Vinland, & indicates attending a ritual at Ulfheim, the WoV compound in Virginia.

Ulfheim, the Wolves of Vinland compound, is a meetup point for fascists. Patrick Duggan, who goes by "bikervvitch_tattooer" on Instagram, has been there many times, including to go shooting with Cody Quinlan, who is behind the eco-fascist "wilderness cult" Wandervogel.

The Wolves of Vinland compound, Ulfheim, hosts Baldr's Funeral, a ritual where the fash get drunk and set a ship on fire. Patrick Duggan has attended one. So has Jack Donovan, a fascist who was so impressed by this "authentic brotherhood of men" he joined the group for a time!

More on Jack Donovan here:

Groups like Wolves of Vinland and Operation Werewolf try to fly under-the-radar by masking racist, patriarchal, and violent messaging in esoteric references that are not easily identified and by promoting themselves in already (often) misunderstood subcultures.

Patrick Duggan exemplifies this cultural framing of fascism--he runs Vamachara, a tattoo and "occult supply shop" in Port Jefferson, NY. He is pictured wearing a t-shirt for the National Socialist Black Metal band, Peste Noire, which incorporates the White Aryan Resistance logo.

More on the NSBM band, Peste Noire, here:…

Patrick Duggan's girlfriend, who also works at Vamachara, is a (wannabe) 'social media influencer' who goes by "_SpookyTooth" on Instagram and TikTok. She casually posts about racist black metal bands (like Burzum) and her life with Patrick.

Operation Werewolf/Wolves of Vinland also try to use physical fitness to promote their garbage ideology. Wolf Brigade is a gym owned/operated By Greg Walsh, and is located in Rochester, NY. There are at least 10 other affiliated gyms across North America.…

Know your local fascist:
Patrick Duggan lives in Soundbeach, NY & runs Vamachara Tattoo in Port Jefferson, NY. He is an adherent of fascist groups Wolves of Vinland/Operation Werewolf.

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