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Dec 31, 2021, 18 tweets


Whether it was NFT FOMO or working from home JOMO, 2021 covered a lot of ground.

From a global vaccination roll-out in the billions to one of the world’s largest container ships costing Egypt $15m per day.

We recap the stories that shaped the world in 2021 👇

On January 6, Pro-Donald Trump protesters, upset at the outcome of the presidential election, stormed the US Capitol.

Thousands of protesters breached Capitol Hill security, resulting in 5 deaths and dozens of arrests.

#AJStartHere explained ⤵️

Democrat Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on January 20 and at age 78 became the oldest US president in history.


On February 1, Myanmar’s military removed democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and declared a one-year state of emergency, which sparked global condemnation.

Myanmar's military coup explained:

On February 18, NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover landed safely on the Red Planet to begin its search for traces of ancient microbial life.


One of the largest cargo container ships in the world, the MV Ever Given, turned sideways and blocked Egypt’s Suez Canal for 6 days on March 23.


Prince Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, died aged 99 at Windsor Castle.


“Justice for Black America is justice for all of America.”

The jury in the murder trial of Derek Chauvin found the former Minneapolis police officer guilty on April 20 in the killing of George Floyd.


Israel's 11-day bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which began on May 10, killed at least 253 Palestinians, including 66 children, and wounded more than 1,900 people, according to Gaza's health ministry.


On May 15, Israel bombed the offices of Al Jazeera Media Network in Gaza, which was captured live ⤵️

Italy were crowned European champions after beating England 3-2 in the final of a COVID delayed Euro 2020.


On July 23, Japan’s Tokyo 2020 Olympics opened with a sombre ceremony — in pictures

On August 15, Taliban fighters were in the presidential palace in Kabul.

In a matter of weeks, the Taliban reversed 20 years of history in Afghanistan.

It happened at a speed that no one predicted. #AJStartHere explains ⤵️

On August 30, The US completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan as the final flight left Kabul, ending Washington’s 20-year war in the country after a chaotic evacuation effort.


On September 17, former Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika died aged 84, more than two years after he stepped down under pressure from mass protests and the army.


November 4 was the one year anniversary of Ethiopia’s brutal conflict.

With the front lines shifting and millions of civilians caught up in it. #AJStartHere asks who are the main groups involved and why are they fighting? ⤵️

'Big loss for Modi.'

India’s farmers called off a year-long protest after the government agreed to pending demands, including promises to consider guaranteed prices for all produce

Explainer: Why were India's farmers protesting?

On December 15, Gloria Jean Watkins, a pioneering Black feminist intellectual better known by her pen name, bell hooks, died aged 69.


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