Sammie Profile picture
She/Her | Sharing My Truth | NeuroSpicy ;Survivor | Opinions Are My Own | Personal Account | Just For Fun | Judge If You Want, I Don’t Care🤷‍♀️

Dec 31, 2021, 12 tweets

2021… what just happened?!?

January: It Snowed

February: We celebrated LGBTQ History Month

March: We got a hot tub

April: I met my surgeon for #SammieGCS

May: We went wild camping

June: I got a motorbike

July: We got the @TnCoffeeLGBT gang together

August: Family holiday to Cornwall

September: We met @BWitchedreunion at @Reading_Pride

October: I finally had #SammieGCS

November: Shortlisted by @TransITCUK

December: We had some real family time

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