Lorelei 🌕🧙🏻‍♀️🕸🍄 Profile picture
Writer. Unlikely Rebel. Proud member of the Terven.

Dec 31, 2021, 25 tweets

This was a stellar terven year. As we sail into 2022 with our hoarded rights in our seditious pockets, I’ve been remembering some of the great moments of this year; the creative, the courageous or hopeful. I marvel at how far we’ve come. Even as we have far to go 💜🤍💚.


In January,right out the gate,gay men fought back against the witch hunting of Boyz magazine. In February,GC academia network shared stories of effects of trans ideology in academia/higher education.The sharing of such stories peaks others&helps us all find strength to fight back

In March we filled out a census that still contained data on biological sex because of the work of many including @fairplaywomen who went to the high court and @janeclarejones who wrote “Sex and the census”.

The 12th was also the first ever Detrans Awareness Day.

In April, @LucyHunterB was talking to The Times after a poll showed there are widespread concerns about trans reforms, including that 68% of people think female prisoners should have female only provision in prisons.

We are not such an incomprehensible fringe after all then.

In May, everyone was reading @Docstockk and the lauded “Material Girls”.

Additionally, In the year we published our 5th quarterly issue of feminist mag @Radical_Notion we raised our editorial eyebrows at claims the mag is all “fanny and witches”

Then, we took it as the compliment it is and made our spring cover a display of epic vulva art by Juliana Notari. Talks of having small figures on brooms fly out of the pages when you open the issue stalled, however, when the Borrowers demanded exorbitant sums for the work.

Also in May,CBS aired its 60 minutes episode on detransition, featuring such magnificent people as @HormoneHangover &helping make it even more possible to have these conversations in the mainstream

Their bravery in speaking out will help many people

In June, our exceptionally stoic @MForstater was vindicated and we subsequently got a lot of good women back on Twitter, including the fantastic @helenstaniland . @JessDeWahls and her flower patches also took on the Royal Academy and gave us a masterclass in grace under pressure

Also in June,women in Spain&France held their ground against violent TRA’s on the streets&stood up for women’s sex based rights while @jo_bartosch wrote one of her spectacular 2021 articles, this time explaining why feminists,like those at Fawcett Society,mustn’t sit on the fence

Still in June; In a year that has seen so many women stand up for our imprisoned sisters and against the harms being done to them in the name of gender-identity ideology, women in Canada protested the unforgivable consequences of bills C-6 and C-16 on female inmates rights

In July we had the tour de force “Trans” by lovely @HJoyceGender to read in the sun&brilliant @FrancisAaronUK was responsible for an outbreak of Terven women attempting to rap because of his epic Clownfish. Im even trying,again,while I type this

Song here:

Also in July, @millihill published her incredibly important piece “I will not be silenced” (which can be read here: millihill.co.uk/2021/07/10/i-w…)

And the clear-sighted,woman-centred @my_real_name
came home safe from the wi spa protest,despite being physically attacked by TRA’s there

In August women protested at the Purdy Correctional Center for Women in Washington, America, for the sake of female inmates and Kara Dansky gave a powerful speech.

In September @bindelj added to the Terven House Book Pantheon with “Feminism for women”. While the fantastic Sonia Appleby who raised concerns about the safety of children at GIDs won her tribunal and proved her concerns should never have been ignored.

In October, women joyfully responded to Lammy branding us “rights-hoarding dinosaurs” by wearing dinosaur suits, the captured BBC showed it had long been listening to our roarings with it’s stonewall exposé and courageous Marion Millar finally had all charges against her dropped.

Still October; Pink News apologised to Bindel, @ALLIANCELGB conference was a hit (&a disco),none of us repented despite TRA’s getting a tambourine & @FiLiA_charity held a great feminist event which included some rousing singing

Singing here:

More in October,Kathleen Stock’s ordeal & her determination were in the news as she spoke out after a campaign of intimidation against her

While,at Halloween,weegie witches danced, showing we have our share of Terven broomsticks&joie de vivre

Dance here:

Also on Halloween, Canadian women including @Mason134211f @LizaVespi women from @cawsbar and @WomenMatter_CA protested the the senate, parliament and Supreme Court, then went across to the statues of 5 suffragettes and took photos.

There’s something powerful in women of the present standing with women of the past.Those ancestors of ours who fought enough for our rights that we can fight for them again. It’s a way of standing with women of the future,too.Women who,we hope,need never fight like this again

In November, @KDansky joined the ranks of impressive women who have written great books with her work “The Abolition of Sex”. As did the irrepressible @BoozeAndFagz who,after a long fight to get her book to see the light of day came out swinging with “Welcome to the woke trials”

Still in November, indescribably brave @SarahSurviving stood up for vulnerable women&their right to single sex spaces after she shared her story of being forced to leave a rape survivor’s group because it was an unexpectedly mixed sex environment dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…

In December Rosie Kay took a stand, David Paisley tried to go after the resolute @FemmeLoves again but she stayed home for Christmas. The wonderfully brave @jk_rowling
stood up for rape victims and @WeAreFairCop
won their 3 year fight for freedom of expression.

Lastly in December, @VictoriaPeckham concluded another year of her vital work with a fab last column. Here:

Posie went on Talk Radio, met a misogynist and kept her cool

And @CV_Dalcher ended our year with a flourish by standing with good women

This whole year long so many women tweeted,wrote, spoke up, researched,contributed&did their part.

Every single one of you is a heroine for the cause.

The named women, anon women, all the women who turn up for the fight ❤️

The men who fight the good fight are heroes,too.

You really are the most marvellous lot

I wish you the happiest new year

&I hope you kiss someone magnificent at midnight if you wish to

Along with your Auld Lang Syne,I’m adding quality Abba to your playlist because I refuse to behave myself at all ❤️

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