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Dec 31, 2021, 10 tweets

Unearthed Video: TPUSA Senior Manager Driena Sixto training students to secretly record professors and administrators that disagree with their message and “edge them on” in hopes of getting them fired.

Sounds like “cancel culture.”

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TPUSA Senior Manager Driena Sixto, seen here at TPUSA headquarters in Phoenix, posted a meme asking “for a military coup that removes the Biden regime from power.”

This is who TPUSA has training their campus chapter leaders.

Driena Sixto says her full time job at TPUSA “is saving America.”

However, Driena told her followers fired over vaccine mandates to:

📌 “F**k shit up before leaving”
📌 “Sabotage everything”
📌 “Cut cables and get creative”
📌 “Pop a tire or two or four” on the “boss’s car.”

TPUSA Senior Manager Driena Sixto defended the January 6th rioters and called for Trump to pardon them before leaving office.

The big lie isn’t the only conspiracy theory Driena Sixto believes in.

The TPUSA Senior Manager believes Joe Biden had John McAfee murdered.

Driena Sixto’s training on how to get school administrators and professors fired by secretly recording them was delivered at TPUSA’s Chapter Leadership Summit.

In some states, recording secretly could be illegal or, at some schools, a violation of a student code of conduct.

TPUSA is a radical group composed of radical members. Driena, who praises the J6 insurrectionists and calls for the destruction of businesses fits right in.

Driena Sixto working tables at various colleges.

TPUSA senior manager says “success” is for them is to “absolutely disrupt the higher education system.”

So TPUSA is essentially an anti-college group.

Should colleges who are trying to prevent students from dropping out, allowing a group that advocates for the complete opposite?

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