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Jan 1, 2022, 11 tweets

Ron DeSantis came out of hiding to speak to a packed concert as covid cases surge in Florida.

The “Let Us Worship” concert was put on by Awake America, a group that sees covid mitigation as a oppositional to the Christian faith.

Ron DeSantis tells the packed crowd that he’s fighting for their God given rights.

Florida Health reports 298,455 new cases and 32 deaths this past week.

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The Awake America group presented Ron DeSantis with the “2021 Defender of our Freedom Award” and prayed for DeSantis calling him “righteous” and someone who is making the Florida people rejoice.

Florida Health data…


Ron DeSantis speaking on stage at the concert.

Ron DeSantis brought his wife who is battling breast cancer to the concert.

Before Ron DeSantis took the stage, a speaker at the event subtly downplayed the vaccine by appealing to faith while another took a shot at hand sanitizer while instructing the crowd to hold hands and yell.

The vaccine helps. Covid is airborne.

The group’s leader, Sean Faucht, says joy is going to “breakthrough fear of the virus” and “the lockdown stuff.”

Sean Faucht: “There’s a reason why God brought the Governor here.”

The guy who awarded DeSantis preaches that the Bible doesn’t want you to talk about how “covid cases are rising.”

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