Jo Maugham Profile picture
Director @GoodLawProject. King's Counsel. Live your values. Fight the power. Keep the receipts. Samaritans: call 116 123. He/him.

Jan 1, 2022, 7 tweets

Desperate stuff. The clown-show of a Government has run out of lateral flow tests - and apparently we're to blame?? The truth is, we have worked with at least three UK based testing companies to help them tackle this Government's sleazy VIP procurement.…

Of course Government wants someone else to blame for its failures. But the only antigen LFT contract we have challenged is this one - where billions went to a Chinese startup for LFTs that were recalled in the US amidst suggestions of falsified data.…

In case you doubt the dishonesty of this Government when it comes to testing contracts see their denial - "completely false" - of our revelation of a VIP lane and then the undeniable proof. People not fit to run a church raffle have blown £37bn.

Nice easy starter for New Year's. See if you can work out whether we were right to challenge this contract for antibody testing...

The Telegraph says Government scrapped plans for UK made LFTs in early 2021 and blames @GoodLawProject for the national shortage. But Government's press release says they were buying UK made LFTs from Surescreen in Sept 2021! And that Surescreen were the first to get accredited!

Not really the point, I know, but the whole point of law suits that are "vexatious", surely, is that they don't cause powerful nation states to get "cold feet" because they are vexatious? Can't help but wonder whether Toby has lost his edge a little?

Even taking this self-serving nonsense at face value, aren't Toby and the Telegraph a little worried that the mighty Government, despite having 'taken back control', is so feeble as to be pushed around by a tiny not for profit? I mean it would be pretty alarming if true?

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