Dr Dan Goyal Profile picture
NHS Medical Consultant. Health Policy Editor @BylineScotland. Everyone deserves access to decent healthcare.

Jan 1, 2022, 9 tweets

Can 2022 be the year we learn from our mistakes?

We are entitled to make mistakes, given how new Covid is.

But stubbornness and ego have no place in pandemic management.

On that note: Covid admissions rising in many places.

Here’s New York:

And here is London:


Denmark, France and the wider US…

And here is South Africa nearly two weeks ago…

(Note: last week is never complete, as is current week).

And there was clear signal that admissions were rising at the start of December.

There was plenty of time to prepare for Omicron.
Even just improved social protections - such as the devolved nations have now put in - would have helped.

For the economy of the nation - not just an elite few - and to save lives a short circuit breaker would have worked.

We remain about 4 weeks behind South Africa!

…they remain with 10-fold higher Covid inpatients than their previous Delta baseline.

They of course mitigated against the wave. And still within two weeks jumped:

Dec 5th:
1.5k admitted
115 in ICU
29 Ventilated

Dec 19th:
3.4K admitted
285 in ICU
110 ventilated

We must predict this will get worse. And if we don’t take action the ensuing healthcare rationing that we have suffered for nearly 2 years will reach new dizzying heights.

Act now! Or damage health and economy of the nation.

Get your house in order @Conservatives

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