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Jan 1, 2022, 10 tweets

Twitter Bios are tough.

After writing 200+ Bios the other day 👀

Here are 6 Frameworks with examples on how to write your Twitter bio 😯

Framework 1 -

what value you give | social proof | "tweeting on..."

For example 👇

Empowering you to grow your startup. Helped businesses scale to $1M. Tweets about marketing, SAAS, entrepreneurship.

Another gem by @blackhatwizardd

@blackhatwizardd Framework 2 -

give yourself a title | add framework 1

For example 👇

"The Growth Guy"
Scaled businesses to a million dollars. Tweets about leadership and marketing.

Another gem by @chrishlad

@blackhatwizardd @chrishlad Framework 3 -

Write a sentence that hits.

For example 👇
A total heartmelter @NicholasFerroni

@blackhatwizardd @chrishlad @NicholasFerroni Framework 4 -

Go all out.
Be funny.
Be confident.

Great Example here 👀

@blackhatwizardd @chrishlad @NicholasFerroni Framework 5 -

Before-after story | what you help in | Resource or Call to Action

For example 👇

Went from broke, unemployed, addicted man to a Founder. I help guys change their life. Get your free ebook.

A gem here - @Hormetik

@blackhatwizardd @chrishlad @NicholasFerroni @Hormetik Framework 6 - Write what you are building/launching/built/launched | club with any framework

For example 👇

Building a "guide to adulting" ebook. Launched an anxiety help journal. Tweets about growth, health, and life.

@blackhatwizardd @chrishlad @NicholasFerroni @Hormetik Bonus - Challenge the status quo. Win with confidence.

@blackhatwizardd @chrishlad @NicholasFerroni @Hormetik @OhHaiAndy Last tips

1. Use numbers in bio for social proof!

2. Add A LINK IN THE BIO + clear CTA for it.

3. CTA+ Transformation = Awesome

4. what you tweet + what they get = Great bio

5. Magic words - Grow, Helping, Sharing, Building, Tips, Writing, Scaling

You can download our FREE Twitter growth course here:


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