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Jan 2, 2022, 6 tweets

Here is simple trick for finding upper circuit call 👇

First check top gainer of today 6% to 20% in (small/mid cap) stocks👇…

Then use that 5 filters for find out next days UC calls 👇

1⃣stock must be near all time high or 52 week high.

Ex - #Smartlink after BO all time high blasted 💥💣

#BGRENERGY recently broke 52 weeks high .

2⃣ Stock should be low market cap less then 10K CR

Ex - #smatlink - 1833 CR

3⃣ Stock should face least resistance after BO ( not major resistance after BO)

Ex - #apollomicro

4⃣ It's sector or peers companies must be strong 💪

Ex - #NiftyIT / #apollomicro

U can check their peer companies here👇

5⃣ Stock last quater has given good profit growth Or coming quater profit growth should be unexpected.

Ex - Kingfa (expected good profit growth)

⚡By that filters you chances of getting UC stocks are much more ✨

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