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Jan 2, 2022, 10 tweets

Something incredible just happened.

It’s a once in a lifetime event that saved someone’s life.

And it brings together some of the world’s best things —Hockey, science, and the power of social media.

A heartwarming Thread 🧵

This is Brian Hamilton.

He’s an equipment manager for the Vancouver @Canucks in the @NHL.

Being an equipment manager means you travel with the team, look after the players, and make sure they have whatever they need.

But one day in Seattle, it was Brian who needed something.

On October 23, Brian was behind the bench doing his job when a Seattle fan knocked on the glass behind him, trying to get his attention.

In hockey, you can’t hear through the glass, so the fan held up her phone with a message.

You can see her on the game’s video replay.

That fan was Nadia Popovici, a young woman studying to be a doctor.

She had spotted a mole on Hamilton’s neck and had desperately been trying to get his attention.

She thought it might be cancerous.

So she wrote out the message on her phone.

Brian read the message through the glass, and figured he may as well get it checked out.

Nadia was right, and Brian was able to get it removed before it spread.

It saved his life.

He wanted to say thank you —but there was a problem.

Brian had no idea who Nadia was.

No name, no identity, nothing. All he knew was that she was a fan at the game.

Brian wanted her to know she’d save his life, so he posted this on Twitter.

That’s when the internet did its thing.


Brian’s call for help quickly went viral. Thousands of people started trying to find Nadia.

Think about that: Random strangers helping random strangers, just so Brian could say thank you.

It took less than 3 hours to track Nadia down.

And then — something better happened.

As fate would have it, Nadia had tickets for that night’s game in Seattle against the Vancouver @Canucks!

When both teams found out, they started planning a special surprise.

This is the moment that Brian and Nadia got to meet


And it gets better.

You know how Nadia was studying to become a doctor? Both teams got together and decided to surprise her again, this time with $10,000 in tuition.

This is the moment she found out.

You can hear entire arena erupting in applause.


The world can be a difficult place, but it doesn’t have to be.

Kindness is everywhere. In this case, it saved someone's life and helped a young woman through med school.

Those are the headlines we need.

And those are the headlines we'll keep giving you.

♥🏒 🇺🇸🇨🇦

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