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Jan 3, 2022, 9 tweets

Hello friends. Today we're profiling Luke Winchester-Kenna a neo-Nazi from Gloversville, NY with ties to The Wolves of Vinland, Militant Ruralism, Wolf Brigade Gym, and the Denver shooter who murdered five people last Monday.…

On 12/27/21 a white supremacist named Lyndon McLeod murdered Alicia Cardenas, Alyssa Gunn-Maldonado, Michael Swinyard, Daniel Schofield, and Sarah Steck in Denver, Colorado. He premeditated these acts in a book he authored called, “Sanction.”

Luke and the shooter were mutuals on Instagram, and frequently interacted each other’s posts. They existed in very similar online circles and followed many of the same people. The pair both have significant associations with the Wolves of Vinland, a neo-Nazi cult.

Kenna is also tied to Rural Nexion, a compound associated with the Militant Ruralism movement and the Order of Nine Angles.

We exposed the members of this compound in an article last year.

Rural Nexion maintained a telegram server for like minded individuals to discuss the logistics of building compounds and other miscellaneous neo-Nazi bullshit. Luke was a frequent poster in this channel, and plugged his writings for his fellow Nazis to read.

We are making the logs from this telegram channel public to Antifascists and journalists who research the far-right. If you are interested in accessing them, please reach out to us at

In December of 2019, we wrote an article about the connections between Wolf Brigade Gym in Rochester, New York and Operation Werewolf, of which Kenna was a member.

Kenna was at the gym’s 2019, 2020, and 2021 “convergences.”…

Kenna was a member of Operation Werewolf, the feeder group for Wolves of Vinland. OPWW claims the group disbanded in 2021. In our experience monitoring members, it is apparent that many are still repping it publicly, and many OPWW formations have continued their activity unabated

Winchester-Kenna runs a self defense training business named Tyr Tactical Training.

One notable aspect of his services is the “BASIC WEAPONS TRAINING.” The poster says “Prepare for Ragnarok”, a mythological Norse apocalypse that many Fascists associate with a coming race war.

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