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NBC News reporter. Mostly on Bluesky. SEDITION HUNTERS was one of Publishers Weekly’s best books of 2023 SIGNAL: ryanjreilly.62

Jan 3, 2022, 7 tweets

“We will fight this no jail for us.” — Mitchell Paul Vukich

“I just can’t see us getting in trouble.” — Nicholas J. Perretta

Jan. 6 defendants Mitchell Vukich and Nicholas Perretta will be sentenced on Wednesday.

DOJ want Judge Tanya Chutkan to give them each a month in jail.

"Despite advising his co-defendant to tell the FBI to 'fuxk off’, Perretta later voluntarily agreed to an interview with the FBI…”

— a line that got edited out of the amended version of DOJ’s sentencing memo for Jan. 6 defendant Nicholas Perretta

It looks like the feds mixed up who texted who suggesting the other tell the FBI to “fuxk off.

"After the FBI interview Vukich, his text messages to Perretta demonstrate a total lack of remorse.”…

Mitchell Vukich’s grandmother says he’s "literally the opposite" of a terrorist and that he went to D.C. to cheer up his friend and "there were no concerts or sports games to go to.”

Defense: "Those who have been charged even with misdemeanor offenses have faced national opprobrium… There are punishments beyond incarceration and those, when aired to the public at large, provide for deterrence beyond what incarceration achieves.”…

Notably, the defense team claims that their client — who wore a QAnon / Trump “Punisher” skull t-shirt to storm the Capitol — did not support or vote for Trump.

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