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Difficult Airway Society Trainees Tweets by @drnishaat @majumdar_moon (& @vapourologist during #JanuAIRWAY) Charity: 1071732

Jan 3, 2022, 7 tweets

#JanuAIRWAY Day 3. The Difficult Airway. Many definitions. NAP4 has a procedural framework. Useful but not the whole picture. @HansHuitnik and Bouwan’s seminal pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25511477/ introduces ‘complexity factors 1/7

Complexity factors make easy things difficult e.g. operator experience, location, time pressure. Must be considered. @Huitink also suggest ditching the term ‘difficult’ in favour of ‘basic & advanced’ Here’s a #OnePager covering the basics
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Our airway assessment aims to determine difficulty of management. We want to use our holistic assessment (Hx, Ex and Ix) answer several questions.

Here’s a #OnePager outlining some of the key information we need

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After complexity factors, we need situational awareness. Imagine ‘thinking zones’ emanating from the patient.
Patient (anatomy, physiology)
Airway manager (experience, fatigue, stress)
Team (experience, number)
Environment (time, familiarity, safety)

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When we want to integrate our assessment info and situational awareness, the cynefin framework (by @snowded) and the Johari window can help our mental model for decision-making in ‘difficult airways’.

We’ll talk more about decision-making later this month! #JanuAIRWAY 5/7

Here are some papers / links that you might find interesting: -
If you have any others of interest, tweet them to us for inclusion next time!

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Hope that helps. Tomorrow we'll look at investigations /ultrasound and how we can use them to assess airways. See you then! #JanuAIRWAY 7/7

*Disclaimer: Inclusion of content (equipment, techniques and scoring systems etc.) in #JanuAIRWAY does not constitute DAS endorsement

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