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Political Commentator. Journalist. Interests: South Caucasus, Central Asia, Football. Bylines: @openDemocracy, @Jerusalem_Post, @JamestownTweets, @DailySabah

Jan 3, 2022, 7 tweets

Thread. The photography of Elina Brotherus

Finnish photography and video artist Elina Brotherus was born in 1972 in Helsinki.

Her early work dealt with personal yet universal experiences, the presence and absence of love.

In her series The New Painting (2000-2005), Brotherus probed the relation of photography to art history and found inspiration in the iconography of classical painting.

"As I mentioned earlier I had engaged myself a lot with the ‘instruction art’ of the 1960s and 1970s. When I discovered Erwin Wurm’s One Minute Sculptures they fascinated me in similar ways."

Measuring Wind Speed (Jabal), 2019. © Elina Brotherus.

Green lake © Elina Brotherus.

The moon © Elina Brotherus.

Self-portrait © Elina Brotherus

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