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She/Her. Newsletter: Instagram and Threads: @monaeltahawy Buy Me a Coffee

Jan 3, 2022, 7 tweets

#ThisIs54 It's not my birthday but I post these pictures so that you can see a woman in her 50s doing whatever. Every day I try to move more and laugh more. And invariably something aches: my elbow one day, a shoulder another, and my heart every day. #BloodyHell 📷 @rerutled

These have been difficult weeks. For my perimenopausal body, I lift weights and stretch and walk. For my aching heart, I dance in between workouts.
Take care of your heart and try to laugh more.
#BloodyHell 📷 @rerutled

Take care of your heart and try to laugh more and support our anthology on menopause which I am editing for @unbounders. Find ways to pledge here and the rewards you get for pledging.… #BloodyHell

Over the next few days, I'll be introducing the incredible lineup of contributors to #BloodyHell: global and gender diverse.

I hope you will support our crowdfund and help us publish this important and revolutionary anthology!…

And after my strength training, walking, and stretching, I soothe my aching heart with sequins and my beret.
📷 @rerutled

Please note: I did not say “lose weight” or “count calories” or “diet.” I can’t remember the last time I weighed myself. I did say:

- strength training (for my bones)
- stretching (for my joints)
- walk for an hour (for my heart and anxiety)
- dance (for my heart)


And if you’re wondering if my pictures are what the youth call “thirst traps”:

- of course
- you can’t slide into my DMs because they’re closed
- show your appreciation by pledging to #BloodyHell and sharing the link
- more sequins👇🏽…

📷 @rerutled

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