Aaron Goodman - “Papa Heme” Profile picture
Hematologist/Bone marrow transplanter at UCSD/educator - loves teaching all of Twitter medicine, husband+father/Guitar 🎸/Nirvana best band ever!/Loves tacos

Jan 4, 2022, 7 tweets

Per pathologists, cancer cells (kind of) look like something else

Cleaved = Follicular lymph
Grapes = Mott cell = Myeloma
Horseshoe = Hallmark cell = ALCL
Brain = Cerebriform = Sezary
Kidney = Reniform = Langerhan's
Owl eyes = Reed Sternberg = cHL
Popcorn = NLPHL

Flower = ATLL

Cleaved cell = Follicular lymphoma

Bunch of Grapes = Mott cell = Multiple myeloma

Horseshoe = Hallmark cell = Anaplasmic large cell lymphoma

Cerebriform nuclei = Sezary cells = Sezary syndrome

Owl eyes = Reed Sternberg = Classical Hodgkin lymphoma

Popcorn cell = Reed Sternberg = Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma

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