Wiebe Wakker Profile picture
Speaker | Sustainable Adventurer | First to drive to the other side of the World in an EV. 📈 34 Countries, 1222 days, 100,000km, 0 drops of fuel

Jan 4, 2022, 13 tweets

Good morning from the Dacia Express. This is the day 2 thread!
Had a decent sleep although two times interrupted by police who came in to check passports and the train stopped a few times.
The best part was waking up: love to stare outside and see the cloudy landscape pass by.

I will be on this train until 4pm. Then I have 4 hours in Bucharest to get a proper meal and find the bus terminal. Keep following as I’m going to explore this train today.

Just went to the @_DiningCar. Looks pretty neat. Sadly they don’t take cards and didn’t have time to take out money so I’m surviving on some peanut bars my mom gave me. I thought they would come in handy.

This is the ride im on since yesterday. Dacia Express
Vienna - Bucharest
Departed: 19.50
Arrival: 15.47
Duration: 19h 05m
Trip cost: €109 (sleeper wagon)

Photo of the lovely @_DiningCar. I just learned they are not serving hot meals because of corona. Only snacks.

Throughout mostly the whole route through Romania I had fast 4G connectivity on my phone. Way better coverage than in Germany. German trains have wifi though, this one hasn’t.

The sights here in Romania (and especially the Transilvania part) are stunning. Lovely to see it changing slowly.
Although I like slow travel, this Dacia train does extremely low speeds. Annoyingly slow sometimes honestly.

Now between Busteni and Sinaia. Amazing sights here

Beautiful sunset over Ploiesti. Train was to arrive in Bucharest one hour ago. I don’t think it’ll be there before 6. My next bus is at 7.30 and need to travel to bus station and definitely get a meal. Only had a few health bars today.

At Gara de Nord. Wish I had more time here. First food

Took out money. Rushed in a cab to restaurant. Had a quick lamb stew, absolutely delicious! Thanks for the tip @tvanderelsen! Out in 21 minutes, quickest meal I ever had. Rushed to store for water and Oreos and made it to bus terminal 30 mins before departure. Perfect.

Next leg: bus from Bucharest to Istanbul. I love public transport but dislike busses. This one takes 10 hours crossing Romania and Bulgaria, arriving in Istanbul around 6am. Cost: €50.
Normally there is a train but doesn’t run right now because of Covid.

Crossed the Turkish border around 3am. First fuel station after the border, spotted a Dutch van.

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