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Political Commentator. Journalist. Interests: South Caucasus, Central Asia, Football. Bylines: @openDemocracy, @Jerusalem_Post, @JamestownTweets, @DailySabah

Jan 4, 2022, 11 tweets

Thread. Azerbaijani photographer Kamal Babayev today passed away. So here's my tribute to him.

Picture: Composer Gara Garayev

Babayev was born in Baku.

From 1953 he worked as a photojournalist in the magazine "Pioneer" & a freelance worker at the Azerbaijan State Museum of Art, from 1959 - an employee of this museum, where he worked until his death as a photographer.

Photo: Painter Alakbar Rzaguliyev

The Tree © Kamal Babayev

Grape harvest in Soviet Azerbaijan © Kamal Babayev

Painter Maral Rahmanzade © Kamal Babayev

Unknown © Kamal Babayev

The Sculptor © Kamal Babayev

Singer Gulagha Mammadov © Kamal Babayev

Turkish poet Nazim Hikmet © Kamal Babayev

Agha Alizade, Azerbaijan Democratic Republic's first Sheikh ul-Islam © Kamal Babayev

Kamal Babayev's archive includes 40,000 negatives (film), including more than 16,000 photos of paintings, graphics and sculptures

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