Michael Shellenberger Profile picture
Author, “Apocalypse Never,” "San Fransicko" :: Dao Journalism Winner : Time, "Hero of Environment" : CBR Chair of Politics, Censorship & Free Speech @UAustinOrg

Jan 5, 2022, 8 tweets

@jack Thank you for speaking up for abundant energy and nuclear energy

Abundant energy allows for long lives and less poverty

There is no poor high-energy nation

There is no rich low-energy nation

@jack Only nuclear allows for large rich nations to produce cheap electricity with little pollution

@jack Weather-dependent renewables make electricity expensive for inherently physical reasons

The industrial revolution wasn't possible with renewables due to low energy return on energy invested

@jack Nuclear is the safest way to make reliable electricity

@jack Nuclear produces the best kind of waste: small quantities that are cheap and easy to manage and that never hurts anyone

There is no solution to solar panel waste and if solar were required to pay the costs of waste disposal, as nuclear does, it would not be economical

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