Swarm of Bees Profile picture
(Y'all/Y'all) If you can't see the forest for the trees, just burn it all down and bring the ashes to me

Jan 5, 2022, 13 tweets

I spent all night swimming in shit so many of you won't have to, fellow $Time keepers. The #Wonderland Discord was a real stinky place up until brother Sifu rolled up to drop some hot alpha.

Tldr: #wagmi 🧵

To paraphrase: only problem is fear spiralling ding dongs that hold $400 of Memo freaking everyone out with some baloney they heard on YouTube.

Airdrop soon (tm) and future profit share will be proportional to $Memo, $wMemo or $Time holdings. Avax wallets only.

Lots of warning + no warning sounds like the perfect combo.

Meme coin update + Andrani hype




Wisdom + alpha

Fud destroyooooorrrr

Ahhhhh he's destroyiiinnnnngggg

This is who manages your money #frognation

All manner of nonsense had broken loose in the chat and price was getting grim. Then this mf rolls up and sets the bottom with a hat cake. Love you brother. ✌️❤️🐸

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