Wiebe Wakker Profile picture
Speaker | Sustainable Adventurer | First to drive to the other side of the World in an EV. 📈 34 Countries, 1222 days, 100,000km, 0 drops of fuel

Jan 6, 2022, 10 tweets

Good morning. It’s day 4 and I’m in Istanbul. Starting with a delicious Turkish breakfast. Cheese pide and menemeh

Just crossed the Bosphorus Bridge. I’m really in Asia now

At Sogutlucesme Railway Station now. Airport Security style check at the entrance.

Boarding the @TCDDTasimacilik Istanbul - Ankara Yuksek Hizli Tren (YHT) high speed train build by Siemens.
This line started operating in 2009 and should bring me to the destination in 4h 15 mins at 250km/h.

Boarded the YHT. I’m “flying” business class. Something I never do in Europe because I find it too expensive and 2nd is totally fine for me.
This one only cost €9 so I treated myself. Comes with Turkish movies and music in media system. Very enjoyable. No wifi though.

They even have “cabin crew” who are offering free drinks, cookies and headphones. I am really enjoying this experience so far.

It’s been going really fast. The top speed I measured was 261km/h. Not far from Ankara now

Arrived at Ankara Gar. Very modern station. Ride went smooth.

Tonight I’m staying at this very nice looking and fancy hotel in Ankara. Believe it or not, this cost me €1 more than last nights budget hostel in Istanbul: €18

A few weeks ago I announced my trip on LinkedIn. This guy Hilmi saw that and told me that he wanted to welcome me to Ankara. So we did and had a fun night out. Travelling alone can be lonely sometimes so things like this are priceless.

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